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Topic: menu Enhancement (Read 1436 times)
alter Hase
Posts: 286
menu Enhancement
« on: 05. February 2020, 18:23:33 »
Hi All, I thought since all has been going well with the new IQ adjustments , maybe you could move them all to the config menu along with the original settings. Then we can just go right down the list.
Also I think the default value would be much better set at zero. I have found that the completed values all are close to zero. So having the default at zero, you won't have to crank the knob as much hihi
Just a few thoughts,
Thank you so much for all you do!!
Thanks, De WD8BXS vy 73
alter Hase
Posts: 286
Re:menu Enhancement
« Reply #2 on: 06. February 2020, 15:17:11 »
Hi Andreas,
That is interesting, I have not had the same results on 10 meters.
But I have only done 30 or so.
Thanks for the information, we can leave as "off", it will be OK to disagree, hihi
Blessed day my friend,, de Chuck WD8BXS
Thanks, De WD8BXS vy 73
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