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all my settings RX - TX problem
« on: 09. February 2021, 12:00:22 »

First of all, hello everyone.
I am an R928 plus user and I encountered a problem that I cannot solve please can you help me.
I installed an update fw on my device, but I get wsjt-x mode, for example, there is no signal reception, so my device does not rx tx.
RX AND tx are gone.
I share all my current settings with you, you can direct me what to do. Which fw should I use what should I do?

I took all my settings as photos, I can upload them too

my all settings

« Last Edit: 09. February 2021, 12:04:40 by esco-1 »



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Re:all my settings RX - TX problem
« Reply #1 on: 09. February 2021, 12:13:27 »

Please be clear:
RX and TX are gone on any mode or only if you want to work with WSJTX?

vy 73

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Re:all my settings RX - TX problem
« Reply #2 on: 09. February 2021, 12:17:38 »

rx and tx are missing in any mode.
I am also experimenting with wjst-x all tapes nothing visible in the waterfall.
i wanted to install a new fw all this happened after that i don't know what to do


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Re:all my settings RX - TX problem
« Reply #3 on: 09. February 2021, 12:35:02 »

I wonder which fw should I use and is there any error appearing in the photos I uploaded?

I can't get a signal in any mode on wsjt-x
« Last Edit: 09. February 2021, 12:36:30 by esco-1 » Logged


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Re:all my settings RX - TX problem
« Reply #4 on: 09. February 2021, 12:38:47 »

I think your RS928 is not compatible to UHSDR.  There are plenty of mcHF-clones out in the wilderness and I have observed that some have own, incompatible hardware implementations which cuts you off from UHSDR main stream. You have to go back to the firmware the device was shipped with.

vy 73

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Re:all my settings RX - TX problem
« Reply #5 on: 09. February 2021, 12:43:21 »

Got it, thank you very much for your answer.
Well I don't remember the original software which one is.
Is there a way to find out which one is compatible with.
Or should I try software one by one.


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Re:all my settings RX - TX problem
« Reply #6 on: 09. February 2021, 12:45:52 »

If you have done the firmware upgrade with usb memory stick old firmware was saved as FW-MCHF.OLD. Simply rename it to FW-MCHF.BIN and downgrade using the same stick. I hope you have not lost old firmware. If so you must contact the seller.

vy 73
« Last Edit: 09. February 2021, 12:46:14 by DF8OE » Logged

Wenn der Wind des Wandels weht, nageln die einen Fenster und Türen zu und verbarrikadieren sich. Die anderen gehen nach draußen und bauen Windmühlen...
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Re:all my settings RX - TX problem
« Reply #7 on: 09. February 2021, 15:46:57 »


just to clarify: On the RS928 you still have RX and TX, only transmission / reception via USB to PC is no longer working.


Why I am asking: Your S meter is showing S3 and I see 104 dbm, that indicates some kind of signal is coming in.

« Last Edit: 09. February 2021, 15:50:04 by DB4PLE » Logged


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Re:all my settings RX - TX problem
« Reply #8 on: 09. February 2021, 16:30:21 »

Hello so what do you suggest I do to fix this

I saw something like this on the site.


#define TEST_QUADRATURE  Change this line to To Work


But with which program should I edit this and how do I upload it again.
As he said, I actually edited it, but I did not understand which folders I need to discard
« Last Edit: 09. February 2021, 16:35:35 by esco-1 » Logged


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Re:all my settings RX - TX problem
« Reply #9 on: 09. February 2021, 16:43:30 »

WSJT-X Screenshoot



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Re:all my settings RX - TX problem
« Reply #10 on: 09. February 2021, 17:08:40 »

and also when wsjt-x goes into split mode like this, how do I get rid of it?

when i change frequency it splits but i can't turn it off



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Re:all my settings RX - TX problem
« Reply #11 on: 09. February 2021, 17:09:00 »


without knowing the exact schematics of your specific RS928 it is difficult to say which setting is correct,  but usually the default is correct (it is disabled, so no need to do the shown modification to the source code). But as said, without having the exact schematics for the oscillator part, it is not possible to give a definitive answer.

Quote from: esco-1 on 09. February 2021, 16:30:21
Hello so what do you suggest I do to fix this

I saw something like this on the site.


#define TEST_QUADRATURE  Change this line to To Work


If you really want to play with this: This is a source code setting, and you would have to compile the source code by yourself. With all due respect, but that could be a bit challenge for someone not used to do this kind of thing. The documentation for setting up and compiling is in the DF8OE github wiki. And even then, success is not guaranteed. Your best bet is indeed to flash the old firmware. Or to ask the seller to provide you with a working copy of the firmware or the source code. As the firmware is GPL they are legally obliged to provide you with the firmware source code, if they did any modification to it.


« Last Edit: 09. February 2021, 17:10:52 by DB4PLE » Logged
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