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   Author  Topic: Seek for know Init Display  (Read 1268 times)


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Seek for know Init Display
« on: 06. June 2021, 12:01:41 »

I have a RS918 -> BS188 with ILI9341
i seek init this display
i make modification on
i try write section for this ILI9341
the compilation is good but not init ILI9341
somethink is wrong but why?
i seek more


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Re:Seek for know Init Display
« Reply #1 on: 06. June 2021, 15:59:54 »

For testing this we would need a device with ILI9341 LCD...I do not think one of the developers do have such a LCD.

In general you can look at arduino drivers and copy init and possibly function which differ to the existent code.

vy 73

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Posts: 10

Le savoir ne sert que s'il peut etre partagé

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Re:Seek for know Init Display
« Reply #2 on: 06. June 2021, 17:42:17 »

Good evening Andrew,
Thank you for your answer
I test and before little by little
I am progressing I have rewritten the lib ILI9341 init
I now have a white screen with reset on my display

so I move slowly


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