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Topic: meter behaves strange on 20M (Read 1584 times)
schon länger dabei
Posts: 61
Ich liebe dieses Forum!
meter behaves strange on 20M
« on: 07. July 2022, 20:15:12 »
Hi, I have a 0.63 bought second hand. It looks well built but the meter behaves strangely on 20M. The power and the swr flickers up and down. SWR full scale and the power 2-3 watts up and down. On external meter it looks OK. The power moves a bit but the swr is stable. All other bands look ok. Ideas?
schon länger dabei
Posts: 61
Ich liebe dieses Forum!
Re:meter behaves strange on 20M
« Reply #2 on: 08. July 2022, 19:38:01 »
OK. Unfortunately I don't have a scope. But I get where to look. I will inspect it and perhaps rewind it. Thank you /Ulf
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