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Topic: Which version allows TX outside of ham bands? (Read 2022 times)
schon länger dabei
Posts: 61
Ich liebe dieses Forum!
Which version allows TX outside of ham bands?
« on: 10. July 2022, 11:25:20 »
Hi, I upgraded my mchf that I bought second hand to the newest firm ware - 2.12. After that the ability to transmit outside of ham bands was restricted to 50 mW. How do I remove this? Which version need I downgrade to? (pse, no moral lessons needed. I have been a ham for 40 years and I know what is legal. My purpose is fully legit. Thanks for understanding) /Ulf - SM0NOR
schon länger dabei
Posts: 61
Ich liebe dieses Forum!
Re:Which version allows TX outside of ham bands?
« Reply #2 on: 10. July 2022, 14:21:50 »
Ah! So it was loaded with an unofficial version then I'll guess Google is my friend then :-)
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