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   Author  Topic: OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm  (Read 17376 times)

OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm
« on: 05. May 2018, 11:56:13 »

« Last Edit: 29. June 2022, 17:01:28 by SP3OSJ » Logged
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Re:OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm
« Reply #1 on: 05. May 2018, 15:44:24 »

Super Artur!
You did in a short time TRX "SPARROW" and now you have developed a new TRX 23cm and unfortunately we have nothing new. Our OVI 40 stands still.
Congratulations on ideas and enthusiasm!


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Re:OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm
« Reply #2 on: 05. May 2018, 16:15:19 »


I have to admit, that I could not follow some of what you wrote but I think I got the idea.

Quote from: SP3OSJ on 05. May 2018, 11:56:13
Software or colleagues will want to make changes to the firmware STM?
1) unblocking the transmitter for the operating band SI570 70.4MHz - 118.4MHz
(display: 17.6MHz - 29.6MHz)
This is already possible (with very low output power), just go to menu and enable TX out of bands. Don't know about the required input power for your circuit. This might not be enough to drive the TRX.

2) Take that for the work SI570 70,4MHz was displayed on the display: 1240.000MHz
and for the SI570 118,4MHZ work the frequency of 1300.000MHz was displayed.
If I understand your text correctly, you should be able to do this, just set XVTR Offs/Mult to 4 and XVTR Offset so that 17.6 Mhz are shown as 1240000.

I am willing to work on this if the currently existing firmware is not sufficient under the condition you provide the schematics for the Lapwing under a open license such as the OHL. 

Technically we would/should define a new RF hardware boards, which needs to be enabled in the menu and then the UHSDR firmware automatically does the right things (frequency display, extended transmit frequency range etc.). It seems to me that it is not possible to automatically detect that a Lapwing board is connected, however.


alter Hase


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Re:OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm
« Reply #3 on: 05. May 2018, 19:23:50 »

Ich frage mich nur, welchen Sinn ein 48 kHz breites Spektrum- und Wasserfalldisplay bei dem Band noch hat ? Das kann dann wohl wegfallen...


73,  Harri


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Re:OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm
« Reply #4 on: 06. May 2018, 08:41:21 »

OVI40 steht mitnichten still. Ich habe nur das Problem, dass ich meine Stromrechnungen, meine Kraftfahrzeugsteuer und den gesamten anderen Mist nicht bezahlen kann wenn ich nicht noch normal arbeite. Soviel Zeit wie Artur habe ich definitiv nicht zur Verfügung! Da dauert das leider länger. Aber das Projekt ist nach wie vor in voller Bearbeitung.

vy 73

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Re:OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm
« Reply #5 on: 06. May 2018, 09:24:05 »

as we talked with Artur on our Polish forum, we (I) can add code for ADF4350 to UHSDR firmware for setting the registers, have it working. We can then omit another cpu in this project and make it more flexible. I will use this chip for my RF board soon, so I will implement it anyway. The only one thing required is SPI port with CS which is already available on OVI40 board.

73 Slawek


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Re:OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm
« Reply #6 on: 06. May 2018, 09:56:17 »

Driving of VCO chip is not a problem at all - Slawek told it.

But in my opinion 48KHz bandwidth as span is not the best choice for bands higher than 2m. We will expand it to 96KHz on OVI40 because WM8731 supports it but 96KHz is too low, too. At 2m I want to see complete SSB area (which is ~250KHz) or complete FM relay area (which is ~200KHz). Even at 70cm it is much wider. Of cours there is a new band which can be worked but it would be a better idea to change complete concept for bands higher than 2m - just my opinion.

New theme:

It would be very interesting what way Artur wants to go. OVI40 has started to be a full Open Source project licensed under Cern OHL. So if I have finished PCBs for beta stage (!!) all schematics will be published and will be available under OHl license. Is lapwing intended to get an OHL license, too? That does not include that PCB data is published! We will not publish PCB data as long as PCBs are available from us. But we promise if we sometimes stop PCB selling data will be published.

vy 73

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alter Hase


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Re:OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm
« Reply #7 on: 06. May 2018, 10:55:17 »

Hmm, with 250kHz of span we are aproaching the DDC concept with more fancy (expensive) ADC/DAC chips, and without FPGA it may be not possible...

Edit: Or use the internal ADC with its limited dynamic to ~60dB...
« Last Edit: 06. May 2018, 11:02:03 by SP9BSL » Logged

73 Slawek


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Re:OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm
« Reply #8 on: 06. May 2018, 11:38:50 »

Yes, that's what I am talking about..... Features we need for bands > 2m are a completely different project / concept. OVI40 never wants to cover that.

vy 73

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Re:OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm
« Reply #9 on: 06. May 2018, 13:56:38 »

Hi Artur,

I am developing same way as you do. But I have to learn and I want to learn. For working in a community it is not applicable to hold diagrams and layouts "in head". So I am working hard at this moment to get familar with KiCAD so that I can draw schematics and publish them in an "Open Source way". I have agreed that *i* have to learn to work this way for the future projects - and if you want to participate it would be a very good idea to act same way....

Actually 50% of delay in OVI40 project has its source in "my way of developing and realizing". So it's me that must change and learn and not the others.

Throwing a new PCB everytime I got a new idea of course is a way. But its a "dead end". The only one who knows what is going on is you (or me at my projects). But this is not appliable to working in community.

I will start to publish details of "legendary OVI40 rf" in the next weeks. Still I feel to be at the begining of learning process. But: As I jumped into mcHF I never have had done programming of such a complex software of embedded systems - and I never have had worked with STM32 before. Now I am familar with this. And same way I will get familar with drawing schematics with KiCAD.

I use KiCAD because of it is Open Source and well documented. Maybe there are things missing compared to commercial programs - but everything I need (include 50R technology of tracks) is available in KiCAD. So I am pressing myself to go this way. As all mankind I like to go the easiest way - but this way is not often the best one.

vy 73
« Last Edit: 06. May 2018, 14:04:15 by DF8OE » Logged

Wenn der Wind des Wandels weht, nageln die einen Fenster und Türen zu und verbarrikadieren sich. Die anderen gehen nach draußen und bauen Windmühlen...
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Re:OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm
« Reply #10 on: 06. May 2018, 17:08:55 »

Hi Artur,

I do not think it is an opinion: it is a fact.

If there are no schematics (of course only schematics of the newly developed parts) it cannot be part of an Open Source project. Reason is very trivial: no "source", nothing "to Open Source".

Otherwise EVERYTHING is "Open Source", because you can reverse engineer everything where you do have physical access to the PCBs. But that's not the definition of "Open Source". Regardless if copying is protected by license (like on mcHF) or you do not publish schematics: it is closed for others if there are no schematics.

vy 73

Wenn der Wind des Wandels weht, nageln die einen Fenster und Türen zu und verbarrikadieren sich. Die anderen gehen nach draußen und bauen Windmühlen...
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Re:OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm
« Reply #11 on: 06. May 2018, 17:47:11 »

You have finished projects and are happy to criticize them. and I praise it very much.
Congratulations again and admire your enthusiasm!


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Re:OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm
« Reply #12 on: 11. May 2018, 16:26:43 »

Yes - very interesting. Keep us up-2-date...

vy 73

Wenn der Wind des Wandels weht, nageln die einen Fenster und Türen zu und verbarrikadieren sich. Die anderen gehen nach draußen und bauen Windmühlen...
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Re:OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm
« Reply #13 on: 16. May 2018, 18:50:00 »

very nice project that 23 cm trx ... hopefully it will work like you want it :-)

i nice idea would be 13 cm tx with 23 rx ... with a modded lnb (with 9 ghz lo) you then would have a nice setup for es hail

tx on 13 cm (is what es hail receives)
rx on 1200 megs ( (best would be 800 to 1500 megs receive)

depending what lo your modded lnb has you will have 800 or 1200 or 1400 megs rx signal from es hail

if finished you set up a sat dish towards 26 east ... and can work es hail like on the telephone ... grin



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Re:OVI40 -> 1200MHz 23cm
« Reply #14 on: 02. September 2018, 14:15:09 »

Wir sitzen hier mit unseren UI Boards auf heißen Kohlen und warten sehnsüchtig auf das RF Board....
Falls alle Stricke reissen hat Chris ja wieder seine 0.6er RF Boards zum Verkauf 
Damit lässt sich das I40 UI Board ja wenigstens zum Leben erwecken....
Das "echte" wäre natürlich schöner. Zumal wenn es dann dafür ein passendes Gehäuse gäbe was mindestens genau schön aussieht wie das von Arturs SParrow !
« Last Edit: 02. September 2018, 14:17:12 by peter_77 » Logged
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