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   Author  Topic: OVI40 H7 port is (almost) done  (Read 2185 times)


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OVI40 H7 port is (almost) done
« on: 14. July 2018, 09:22:16 »


over the last couple of days I got almost all issues we had with the H7 resolved and we will soon integrate the H7 support into the main development. The STM32H743ZIT is a drop in replacement for STM32F767ZIT currently used on OVI40 boards. To be clear: There is currently no real benefit of ripping out the F7 and risking damage to the board. F7 has plenty of performance and for our purposes almost as much RAM as the H7 and the F7 code is for sure better tested. We will be supporting F4 and F7 processor as well as the H7 in the near future. What will be in the years to come, we'll see, is also about active developers doing the job. Anyway, here come the details:

IMPORTANT FOR DEVELOPERS ONLY (all others go to the next paragrap ) :

In about a week (unless someone has a good reason) we will integrate the H7 code into active-devel. This is mostly adding H7 code, but there will be also changes to the Eclipse project file and some shared files, so please either submit your changes before that OR be careful when rebasing if you also did changes in one of these files, especially .cproject could be a problem. Contact me in case of issues via PN or some post here.

What was fixed:
- It has a working bootloader with USB drive and DFU via cable support
- USB CAT / audio are working as normal
- Rebased code so that is 100% including the current active-devel code
- Verified it transmits properly using the mcHF RF board
- Makefile builds working (did not test the binaries, though)

Firmware has of course everything enabled, no function is missing from the OVI40 F7 except:
- Touchscreen is not working (probably a SPI configuration issue, nothing serious)
- Flash config memory is not yet supported due to a change in flash sector layout (flash space for this is reserved, but this needs further small changes)

EDIT: These two items are fixed. A new one has popped up:
- Bootloader is not be able to flash binaries larger than 768k since this requires use of the second flash bank which is not yet supported in the botloader. However, this is minor stuff. Just a little coding, not a challenge.

As usual: Find the latest and greatest port in my github ovi40h7 branch https://github.com/db4ple/mchf-github/tree/ovi40h7
« Last Edit: 14. July 2018, 14:20:51 by DB4PLE » Logged


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Re:OVI40 H7 port is (almost) done
« Reply #1 on: 14. July 2018, 11:37:16 »

Great work Danilo, I will watch with interest.



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Re:OVI40 H7 port is (almost) done
« Reply #2 on: 14. July 2018, 16:41:48 »

Wunderbar Danilo, Gratulation.
Mal in die Zukunft geschaut, Frage an das Entwicklerteam:
Macht es aus Eurer Sicht Sinn im 2. Halbjahr in aller Ruhe ein H7-Board auf der Basis des OVI40_ui_V1.8 aufzubauen? Oder sind noch Hardwareänderungen/-ergänzungen zu erwarten?Bei mir werkelt eine ui_V1.7 mit dem rf_V0.6 ganz gut.
Ich möchte mir echt nicht den Stress machen evtl. später den F7 gegen einen H7 zu tauschen - deshalb Neuaufbau.

vy 73 aus dem sonnigen Erfurt


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Re:OVI40 H7 port is (almost) done
« Reply #3 on: 14. July 2018, 18:14:37 »

Größere Änderungen, die eine neue Version der UI-PCB benötigen, sind aktuell nicht in Sicht. Was an Änderungen nötig ist, lässt sich mit der 1.8 mit ein paar Handgriffen erledigen.

vy 73

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Re:OVI40 H7 port is (almost) done
« Reply #4 on: 11. September 2018, 08:02:53 »

Am watching the H7 Development. Have a H753ZIT6 on the way from Mouser. Only 14 weeks lead time. In the meanwhile I just ordered the OVI board and display. Have no problem with new bootloader install, or soldering as I just upgraded my mcHF to 2M Flashable. One thing to look out for. My Desktop with many USB drivers had a problem finding the MCU native discovery to bootload. Using my new PICO X10, it found it once the USB was plugged in. Then the bootloader was loadable using DfuSe on the PICO. The moral of the story is if you use your computer usb for many hardwares. Search for another computer that does not.
« Last Edit: 11. September 2018, 08:04:25 by Martin Szy » Logged
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