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   Author  Topic: What (maybe) not to install?  (Read 1953 times)
schon länger dabei


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What (maybe) not to install?
« on: 13. September 2018, 17:20:13 »

Hi to all

My UI is almost done. Beside for obvious reasons not to install IC9, IC11 and their surrounding passive parts there are some parts for which I don't know if I should install them or not:

Value: 1nF. The only capacitor on the LCD side of the UI PCB. On the schematics it says OPTIONAL.

Value: 100nF. Listed in the BOM, but cannot find it on the schematics neither on the PCB.

Value: 100nF. Missing in the BOM, but shown on the schematics as well on the PCB.

Value: 0R. Related to the AUDIO MIC IN.

Markings: SS16SMA. Marked as optional. To me it looks that it provides +5V to the mini-USB B, but I think my PC will not be happy with +5V running into it?

Another issue is soldering buttons S1 - S19. Since they can be positioned rather "freely" sort to say, should I simply follow the idea to center them between the pads as much as possible or is there another approach?

I thank you in advance for your valuable reply.


Janez, W4/S58J
schon länger dabei


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Re:What (maybe) not to install?
« Reply #1 on: 14. September 2018, 14:36:05 »

Guys is it possible to get the answers to my questions posted earlier in the thread above?

Kind regards

schon länger dabei


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Re:What (maybe) not to install?
« Reply #2 on: 14. September 2018, 19:31:58 »

Hi Janez,

The UI schematics is your friend in this case.
I have OVI UI v1.8 and this is the case:
1. C1D is for additional blocking of an ADC. Do it!
2. C93 nothing
3. C100 is for blocking the bouncing of an additional button switch S19. Do it for the future!
4. R1B is for connecting the MIC audio-in pin to the codec, so if you want to use microphone on J3: Do it!
5. D4 - in normal operation you don't need it.
6. As I feel it will be some possible changes to the UI config so the button placement to the center is at present quite reasonable.
It is so and so quite crowded and temporal if you use 3.5".

73 Bojan S53DZ
« Last Edit: 14. September 2018, 19:45:11 by S53DZ » Logged
schon länger dabei


Posts: 100

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Re:What (maybe) not to install?
« Reply #3 on: 15. September 2018, 01:17:27 »

Hvala Bojan! (hvala = thank you in Slovene).
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