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   Author  Topic: Headers for mcHF RF - OVI40 UI - LCD PCB  (Read 2168 times)
schon länger dabei


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Headers for mcHF RF - OVI40 UI - LCD PCB
« on: 14. October 2018, 21:54:29 »


I am about to do the final part by soldering headers to the 3 PCBs (mcHF rev 0.6 RF, OVI40 UI, OVI LCD). To be honest I am not absolutely sure which goes where, since I have read some contradicting posts. The way I understand I should do the following:

mcHF rev. 0.6 RF 30 pin header: female header - typical size

OVI40 UI 30 pin JP1 header: male header - normal or extended length?

OVI40 UI 2x17 LCD header: female header - what size (height)?

LCD PCB 2x17 J103 header: male header - I guess the shortest possbile?

Is the above writing correct? What header size (height) shall I use in particular PCBs? Do I need to modify headers when it comes to connecting UI in LCB boards? How to fix 3.5" LCD to PCB? How to support the other end of LCD PCB (the side without header)? If there are some photos that would help a lot.

In the future I might replace mcHF RF with OVI40 RF, if it will be possible to attach just the RF board without the high power PA board, and the RF board will still produce QRP power (5W)  - to keep it short, that the project in terms of size stays somehow closer to the current mcHF size (portability). No offence, but for higher power the IC-7300 is a cheaper solution (plus more power), since I will not miss 2m band. So it is important that the headers SIZE which I will solder now to the OVI40 UI will fit to the future OVI RF board.

Looking forward to your reply.

Janez, W4/S58J

schon länger dabei


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Re:Headers for mcHF RF - OVI40 UI - LCD PCB
« Reply #1 on: 15. October 2018, 21:30:37 »

Thank you Thomas

Photos did a great job - no further explanation needed.

I have only one concern left: the male JP1 headers on the OVI40 UI. When I put UI board together with the mcHF RF 0.6 board there is almost no space left, especially if you want to add the metallic shield between the two boards. The reason lies in different components size on the OVI board. The problem is the most obvious where UI battery holder lies directly above RF board's LPF relays. This is why I am still struggling between the normal length and 19mm long male headers. Maybe I should start with the longer ones since it is easy to shorten them in the future - if needed?


Janez, W4/S58J 


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Re:Headers for mcHF RF - OVI40 UI - LCD PCB
« Reply #2 on: 16. October 2018, 04:16:20 »

...aditionally a shield does not improve interference - that is my observation. Interferences are based on magneric coupling - a copper shield does not change anything. I never have had shieldings meither on mcHF not on OVI40.

vy 73

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