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Topic: Shifted LCD text above F1..F5 buttons (Read 2856 times)
schon länger dabei
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Ich liebe dieses Forum!
Shifted LCD text above F1..F5 buttons
« on: 17. April 2019, 10:25:05 »
Please check attached photo of my OVI40/mcHF.
What bothers me is the shifted text on the LCD screen above F1 .. F5 buttons. I am refering to the MENU, SNAP, SPLIT, VFO A, TUNE text on the LCD screen which is shifted to the left, compared to the F1..F5 buttons. Ok, maybe I am nitty-gritty, however there are many operational situations where the reaction speed is of essence and an operator can easily press a wrong F button because of the wrong text above it.
I already talked to Andy - it is a mather of fixing the UHSDR Firmware. Is it possible to address this issue in the forthcoming new FW iterations?
Kind regards
Janez, S58J
positron alter Hase
Posts: 443
Re:Shifted LCD text above F1..F5 buttons
« Reply #2 on: 17. April 2019, 10:51:41 »
Hi, exactly as Andreas said: it needs some work to move it elsewhere. On our "todo list", I'm personaly totally lack of free time now...
73 Slawek
schon länger dabei
Posts: 100
Ich liebe dieses Forum!
Re:Shifted LCD text above F1..F5 buttons
« Reply #3 on: 17. April 2019, 10:59:40 »
It is not just "optical" but IMHO also a very OPERATIONAL issue.
Possible solutions: (1) There is some space left between F5 and the Voltage text. I guess it is a space reserved for the future F6 button function. However, we don't know when F6 function will appear so we could use this space to shift the text more to the right. And if we remove voltage from lower right corner (see next bullet), there will be still space left for the F6 function text. (2) If Voltage text is important why don't we make if appear only when user wants to see it? Or position it somewhere else, lets say bellow TCXO text, left of the time text, with the use of different colour for the voltage in order to immediately differentiate from the time text (upper right part of the screen)?
Kind regards
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