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WAC in less than 5 hours
« on: 17. November 2019, 16:23:02 »


Initially I didn't notice, but than I realized that I managed to work QRP Worked All Continents (WAC) in 4 hours and 24 minutes. Not bad for current band conditions (SFI 68) and 5 Watts output. The rig used was OVI40/mcHF 0.6 RF combo and HexBeam (2 el. per band). Check the attached log (VK7MC already confirmed the QSO).

I know that nowadays WAC is nothing special but still has a special flavor when done with home made QRP.

Kind regards

Janez, S58J



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Re:WAC in less than 5 hours
« Reply #1 on: 17. November 2019, 16:51:58 »

I have done this using mcHF about 4 years ago. But it took months. I worked in SSB and used a double zepp antenna (2x27m, 16m above ground). It is not a problem working in QRP.

vy 73

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