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   Author  Topic: SST25VF040B vs SST25VF016B / SPI FRAM  (Read 1819 times)
Paul C. H.


Posts: 23

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« on: 31. January 2018, 06:12:01 »

I see SST25VF040B in BOM but I see SST25VF016B on schematic.
Which one should I use?

A few local CB-er and HAM here,  group ordered the UI and asking what is the purpose of optional SPI Flash and SPI FRAM,
where can I find information?

Asking because that 4M SPI FRAM is priced as 4G notebook ram module here


I understand only two German words.
with help of this forum,  I often change from "g-e-t-l-o-s-t"  to "g-e-l-ö-s-t".
what in front of me was feeling of "f-u-n-k", now it is a piece of almost working "f-u-n-k"


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Re:SST25VF040B vs SST25VF016B / SPI FRAM
« Reply #1 on: 31. January 2018, 07:48:23 »

Actually there is no plan what to store there.

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