All other sources (this discussion group, too) may contain other firmwares which are not supported / released by the UHSDR developers team. The UHSDR developers team does not help with bug hunting or instructions using such firmware. You possibly run into trouble when switching back to official firmware after the use of inofficial firmware, because of the way the configuration storage works may be incompatible. Please contact the publishers of such firmware for support: you have been warned...
Official firmware
never supports things that are in conflict with legal laws (like transmitting on CB)
always supports all official platforms (F4/F7/H7/mcHF/OVI40/Sparrow) with all official supported LCDs
can be downgraded without risk of settings loss
Inofficial modded firmware from other sources may conflict partially or with all of this.
vy 73 Andreas
« Last Edit: 25. May 2021, 07:03:43 by DF8OE »
Wenn der Wind des Wandels weht, nageln die einen Fenster und Türen zu und verbarrikadieren sich. Die anderen gehen nach draußen und bauen Windmühlen... von DF8OE
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