Diskussions- und Newsboard des DARC-Ortsverbandes I40
allgemeine Kategorie => Selbstbauprojekte => Message started by: SP3OSJ on 27. March 2020, 14:26:05

Title: New TRV using ready module
Post by: SP3OSJ on 27. March 2020, 14:26:05


Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 29. March 2020, 06:04:07

Hello Artur,
interesting thing with the prefabricated modules.Do you already have an overall concept for the TRV?
vy 73 from Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 30. March 2020, 04:12:34

Hello Artur,
Thanks for the information.
vy 73 from Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL5LF on 30. March 2020, 14:58:49

Nice straight forward concept, thanks for sharing.
Can PD85004 deliver this amount of power at 2G4?
It is not specified for the frequency or is it a package dummy only?

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 03. April 2020, 16:54:40

Hello Artur,
then good luck for the prototype.
I'm looking forward to the results.
vy 73 from Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: nthunter on 05. April 2020, 11:58:21

Was kostet so ein Modul fertig????

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 05. April 2020, 12:23:48

Hallo Oliver,
als fertigbaugruppe wird es den TRV von Artur wohl nicht geben - analog zu ersten TRV.
Das 4351-Modul kosten bei eBay zwischen 18 und 25€, je nach Lieferanten.
Die unbestückte PCB und das Gehäuse wird's wohl von Artur geben.
Die restlichen Bauteile sind "Selbstbeschaffung"
Für den ersten TRV (Input 14MHz) sind bei mir Kosten etwas unter 180,-€ angefallen.
Soweit als Info für Dich. Für absolute Richtigkeit garantiere ich nicht.

vy 73 aus Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 06. April 2020, 13:51:18

Hello Artur,
short question about PCB v1.2 (ANSAT):
Can i use the OCXO JMT instead of the TCXO?
Thank you

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 09. April 2020, 04:03:33

Hello Artur,
please list which modifications and changes to the aDF4351 module are to be made.
Thank you
vy 73 Michael_K

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 29. April 2020, 13:38:07

Hi Artur,
gibt es etwas Neues zum TRV2?
- sind die PCBs (final Version) aus China eingetroffen?
- gibt es schon eine (vorläufige) BOM?
vy 73 aus Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 29. April 2020, 15:58:38

Danke für die Antwort
vy 73 Michael_K

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL5LF on 30. April 2020, 10:08:09

Thanks for information Artur :)

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 03. May 2020, 17:19:28

Hi Artur,
is there a picture of the PCB TRV2 bottom side?
Thank you
vy 73 Michael_K

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 04. May 2020, 19:16:44

Bottom / Unterseite

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 04. May 2020, 19:17:35

Top / Oberseite

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 09. May 2020, 13:49:44

Der Mixer ADE-25MH ist nicht mehr bei Aliexpress zu finden, daher:
https://www.mouser.de/ProductDetail/Mini-Circuits/ADE-25MH%2b?qs=%2Fha2pyFadugF%2F32NDx3TgwnfxcMRkKGH%2FesRn8Iu7q8%3D (https://www.mouser.de/ProductDetail/Mini-Circuits/ADE-25MH%2b?qs=%2Fha2pyFadugF%2F32NDx3TgwnfxcMRkKGH%2FesRn8Iu7q8%3D)

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 10. May 2020, 07:28:18

I have try´d it again - page not found.
But im sure that the OCXO from mouser also will work.

Do you have a BOM and the same Dokumentation as for the Transverter 1 also available ?

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DF8OE on 10. May 2020, 07:54:42

Michael - Du scheiterst an der Lokalisierung. Auch Aliexpress zeigt je nach IP-Adresse (bzw. Land aus dem diese kommt) etwas anderes an.

Benutze das TOR-Netzwerk und schalte ggf. auf einen neuen TOR-Exit-Node um. Der Brave-Browser kann das out-of-the-box. Gibt es für Linux und für Windows - ist seit 1 Jahr mein Lieblingsbrowser (blink-basiert).

vy 73

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DF8OE on 10. May 2020, 07:59:02


Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 10. May 2020, 10:30:08

Ich habe festgestellt, das wir aneinander vorbei schreiben - ich hatte was vom Mixer (ADE-25MH vs. ADE-25MH+) geschrieben, Artur jedoch vom OCXO. Ich werde den OCXO bei Mouser bestellen, ich habe irgendwie kein gutes Gefühl bei den Teilen von Aliexpress.
Oder könnt Ihr mir diese Bedenken zerstreuen ?

Ich hatte bei Ali auch nur den Link aufgerufen, über die Suche hatte ich es noch garnicht probiert - damit hätte ich es sicherlich gefunden.

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DF8OE on 10. May 2020, 11:16:24


Ich bestelle sehr viel in CN - wegen meines Reparaturbetriebes. Vieles bekommt man gar nicht anders. Häufig bestelle ich über ebay - nicht über aliexpress. Ich habe seit 12 Monaten bei 5...10 Bestellungen pro Monat von chinesischen Händlern noch keinen einzigen Ausfall gehabt. Bei meiner letzten Bestellung via alibaba (da hatte ich 10 AD9363 bestellt) war auch kein Ausfall. Den letzten Fake-MOSFET habe ich von einem italienischen Händler bekommen, der wiederum auf einen chinesischen Händler zurückzuführen war.

Fakt ist:
Bei Digikey, Mouse und Farnell ist sowas überhaupt kein Thema. Leider haben die nur 30% der Teile, die ich brauche.

Meine Vermutung ist, dass durch das Bewertungssystem von ebay Händler, die nicht liefern oder Fakes liefern, sehr schnell auffallen und dann bei ebay wieder verschwinden. Deswegen würde ich es nicht davon abhängig machen, aus welchem Land der Händler kommt, sondern davon welche Handelsplattform man benutzt und wie gut diese die Handelspartner absichert.

vy 73

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DF8OE on 10. May 2020, 14:48:06

I never was fooled with the intention to do so. You have to communicate f something went wrong.

I do not agree that the virus escaped from a laboratory. Of course I do not know - but thinking so is a bit too much conspiration. Of course the Chinese politicians have to open up, tolerate free journalism and go straight forward to much more democratic behaviour.

vy 73

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 10. May 2020, 15:20:28

Hello Artur,
a question about the modification of the LNB (LSP04H):
we have here 2 LNBs where the meander is different.
Where should the line break be here? For the koppel-C to fit we would have 1/2 winding meander more. photo I hung
vy 73 from Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 15. May 2020, 13:23:44

Artur, some questions:

I have the PCB ver 1.1.

1) In the shematic i can see 8 Resistors with 430Ohms, on different Pictures of ready installed TRV i can see Resistors with 471 printed on, what should mean 470 Ohms. Which value would be the right one ?

2) My 2 adjustable 10k-Potentiometers looks different from yours. Does it any matter ?

3) I only can find the Relay for T/R-Switching at Ali, but i also found a Relay "HFD 3-005" at my parts distributor: https://www.reichelt.de/signalrelais-5v-2-wechsler-2a-rt-iii-hfd3-005-p126990.html?&nbc=1 (https://www.reichelt.de/signalrelais-5v-2-wechsler-2a-rt-iii-hfd3-005-p126990.html?&nbc=1)
Would this relay also will be OK ?

4) What is the best frequency stability? OCXO, TCXO, VCTCXO for this project ?
Would be the OCXO from Mouser https://www.mouser.de/ProductDetail/abracon/aoc2012vajc-250000c/?qs=vLWxofP3U2yBi82MYydb0w==&countrycode=DE&currencycode=EUR (https://www.mouser.de/ProductDetail/abracon/aoc2012vajc-250000c/?qs=vLWxofP3U2yBi82MYydb0w==&countrycode=DE&currencycode=EUR) good enough ?

Thanks a lot,

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 15. May 2020, 14:52:40


1) i have ordered 430 Ohms 1 W
2) ok
3) Ok, then Aliexpress...
4) Ok, what would the best solution ?
Or, if i use the Mouser-OCXO, there is an 3V3 regulator, as i can see in the shematic.
Or which VCTCXO should i use ?

EDIT: The OCXO is around 6€ higher in price than the VCTCXO, i think i´ll order the OXCO.
https://www.mouser.de/ProductDetail/815-ASGTX-C-25-1 (https://www.mouser.de/ProductDetail/815-ASGTX-C-25-1)

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 17. May 2020, 13:33:35

Hello Artur,
a question about assembly:
on the bottom-side is a tantalum C 470-F/10V. It has a height of 4mm. However, the distance between the PCB and the housing is only 3mm.
How is this meant, or is there a special design of the Tantalum-C.
Thank you
vy 73 from Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 19. May 2020, 19:13:36

The SAW-Filter SF2124 is not longer available at Mouser and other distributors.

Which part is also ok for this project ?

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 20. May 2020, 04:56:26

Hallo, kann man nicht den TA1070A einsetzen? Im TRV-1 ist der ja auch im TX-Pfad.
vy 73 aus Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 23. May 2020, 15:44:52


one more question: on the PCB 1 coil are printed with 330nH, in the circuit diagram they are with 390nH (next to the PGA-103).
Which value is the correct one ?

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 25. May 2020, 08:16:55

@ Artur, Hallo
2 Fragen:
1. wie kann man einen connor winfield TCXO 25MHz D75F nutzen? gibt es dazu einen Adapter?
2. nochmals die Frage von DL2GMI_Michael, PGA103 Drossel 390nH im Schaltbild, 330nH PCB-Aufdruck. Was ist richtig?
vy 73 aus Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 31. May 2020, 12:36:06


one more question again:
The OCXO from Mouser (Datasheet https://www.mouser.de/datasheet/2/3/AOC2012-Series-1545756.pdf (https://www.mouser.de/datasheet/2/3/AOC2012-Series-1545756.pdf) has a power consumption at startup around 720mA, but the LP2985 3V3 can only deliver 150mA with a maximum at 350mA.
Can this work ?

And, is the SMD-mountd OCXO really connectet to the 3V3 line, not to the +6V or +5V line ?

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 01. June 2020, 08:01:00

Ok, which solution do you prefer ?
Which diodes i should use ?

I check all the existing XO´s here and than, maybe, i will ask again ;D

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 07. June 2020, 13:01:23

Hello Artur,
2 questions about the TX branch of the TRV2:
1. what is the reason for the use of the SF2124E in the TRV2 compared to the TA1070A in the TRV1
2. from the layout of the PCB - can you also use 2 transistors in the PA in parallel?
Thank you
vy 73 from Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module PCB V1.3
Post by: Michael_K on 12. June 2020, 15:29:22

Hello Artur,
to the PCB V1.3 in the AMSAT forum I have the following questions:
1. there is a picture for this PCB to see the changes to V1.2;
2. What is the tup of the VCOCXO? where can it be procured?
3. are the adapter PCB for the VCOCXO available individually?
how much it costs incl. shipping
vy 73 from Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 18. June 2020, 16:18:06


i have one more question, this time about the chokes 47µH in the 12V/1A-Powerline and the Line to the Poty:
I´ve installed a ferrite inductor with 47µH and 150mA, 11 Ohms with Size 1008. Is it OK or should i change those inductors, and if yes then please give me some examples.

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module RX-TX-switching
Post by: Michael_K on 19. June 2020, 16:27:47

Hello Artur,
the RX-TX switch does not work on my TRV2. Scon in RX mode, the voltage +RX5V is not generated.
I suspect the TLV2231.
My question:
what voltages must be attached to pins 1, 3 and 4 of the TRV2231 in RX mode or generated on pin4?
Thank you
vy 73 Michael_K

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 20. June 2020, 13:00:17

Hi Artur,
thank you for the answer.
YES I used the BAT-54S.
The imprint is: KL-AD

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 21. June 2020, 07:45:52


thanks for your reply.

One more: Do you have a drawing of the heat sink for this Transverter? I have contact to a metal construction company, they will make me a new heat sink because the heat sink from the Transverter 1 is bigger than for Transverter 2 and only has two holes for screws.

Actually i wait for the 3V3 VCTCXO from Aliexpress you´ve mentioned here: VCTCXO generator 0.5ppm 2.00 $: https://aliexpress.com/item/33013343039.html (https://aliexpress.com/item/33013343039.html).
And i have to order one chocke 47µH and 2 pinheaders 3fold for the ADF-Board, which i have already received last week.

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 22. June 2020, 17:04:12

Hello Artur,
unfortunately no positive results yet.
A question about the LED:
what kind of type is this? In the circuit with the resistor 10k and a standard-led flows a current of 370µA (!). Thus, the led cannot shine, nor glow.
Thank you
vy 73

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 22. June 2020, 18:14:20

My LED is an Osram LG R 971 with an Normal Current of 20mA, so i have changed the resistor to a value around 300 Ohms.
Then i can bring the LED to shine :-)

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 23. June 2020, 09:55:40

Hello Artur,
Thank you for your information and hints.
the RX-TX-switch module works.
Also with control of the mcHF 1W at 29MHz.
The reason was the poor contacting of the GND connection of the TLV2231.
vy 73 from Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 23. June 2020, 17:13:47


many thanks for your help (drawing radiator and so on).

What Do you think - is the PCB-Version 1.6 the last one or do you want to go forward with this project?

Because i ask: If it will be the last version, i´ll finish my Version PCB 1.1 and think about to build a Version 1.6 - but then with the Case from You and of course one of those 500 last SF2142.

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 24. June 2020, 13:56:47

Hello Artur,
a question about the difference in the schematic V1.2 to v1.6.
in V1.2 the order (TX) is SAW - TQP3M9009 (PGA103) - SPF5189Z,
in V1.6 SAW - SPF5189Z - PGA103..
Has that a special grind.
Thank you
vy 73 from Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 16. July 2020, 07:02:13

als Info:
habe gestern den OCXO (Rakon 25MHz 3.3V 0.5ppm 14*9mm Square Wave HCMOS OCXO) über ebay erhalten und auf dem Adapter von PCB V1.2 aufgebaut.
Signal ist sehr sauber, Strom im warm-up 320mA, im stabilisierten Zustand (nach 2 - 3 min) 120mA.
vy 73 aus Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 18. July 2020, 09:08:58

Hello Artur,
is there an article name for the weatherproof housing?
What weather protection is provided for the patch antenna?
vy 73 from Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL5LF on 18. July 2020, 13:21:11

...das ist mein Wetterschutz für die Antenne ....

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 21. July 2020, 17:13:03

Hello Artur,
is there a proposal for dimensioning for the PA-drossel 5nH?
Thank you
vy 73 from Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: SP6EFY on 07. August 2020, 06:28:26

Quote from: SP3OSJ on 05. April 2020, 12:36:26

TRV must be done by yourself.
Has low prices of items:

Ready generator module (ver: ADF4350) 11.5 $: https://aliexpress.com/item/32966045078.html (https://aliexpress.com/item/32966045078.html)

Aluminium case 2.70 $: https://aliexpress.com/item/4000067969131.html (https://aliexpress.com/item/4000067969131.html)

VCTCXO generator 0.5ppm 2.00 $: https://aliexpress.com/item/33013343039.html (https://aliexpress.com/item/33013343039.html)

PA transsistor PD85004(10psc-30$) 1psc 3.00 $: https://aliexpress.com/item/32973216655.html (https://aliexpress.com/item/32973216655.html)

Power 12V (DC 2.5-0.7MM + 1A + EU + 12V) 2.50 $: https://aliexpress.com/item/32857105606.html (https://aliexpress.com/item/32857105606.html)

Power socket DC 2.5-0.7MM (20pcs 8.00 $): https://aliexpress.com/item/32685716113.html (https://aliexpress.com/item/32685716113.html)

Mixer ADE-25MH 5-2500MHz (10pcs 40.00 $) 1psc 4.00 $: https://aliexpress.com/item/32952756748.html (https://aliexpress.com/item/32952756748.html)

PCB TRV thickness 0.6mm: 11.5 $

Filter SF2126E ~2.50 $ (700-750MHz) and filter SF2124E price: ~2.00 $ (2.4GHz) look for: http://www.mouser.com (http://www.mouser.com)


https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001077976306.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.10ce6bc7StOFda&algo_pvid=c2d95679-d3ed-46c5-a55c-88a0df9e28e1&algo_expid=c2d95679-d3ed-46c5-a55c-88a0df9e28e1-1&btsid=0b0a182b15967811939868078eef64&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001077976306.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.10ce6bc7StOFda&algo_pvid=c2d95679-d3ed-46c5-a55c-88a0df9e28e1&algo_expid=c2d95679-d3ed-46c5-a55c-88a0df9e28e1-1&btsid=0b0a182b15967811939868078eef64&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_)

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: Michael_K on 09. August 2020, 08:39:03

Hallo OMs,
heute mal kein technisches Problem.
Artur hat ja die Entwicklung des Projektes bis zur V1.6 vorangebracht. Die diesbezügliche PCB und weitere Teile sind bei ihm erhältlich (mit der Lieferung zur V1.2 sehr gute Erfahrungen).
Wenn auch das ADF-Board trotz Nutzung eines programmierten ATTINY von Artur noch nicht läuft, andere Baugruppen funktionieren gut, habe ich die V1.6 bestellt.

Vielleicht geben sich andere OMs mal einen Ruck und "outen sich", wenn sie sich auch mit diesem Projekt beschäftigen.
Da könnten wir in Erfahrungsaustausch treten (mit DL2GMI klappt das schon hervorragend), Fragen sammeln und so ein positives Gesamtergebnis für alle erreichen.
vy 73 aus Erfurt

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 11. August 2020, 17:15:33

While preparing the BOM to order some missing parts for my next try to Build the TRV2, i´ve collected some questions:
1) I Have problems to find the Coils 18n and 7n5 in size 1008 - can you tell me a company who can deliver those? I´ve looked at Digikey, Mouser and Reichelt
2) The Diode BAT54S/A: Which type is the correct one - in the shematic it is a BAT54S, in the BOM a BAT54A ? I think BAT54S is correct ?
3) Which type of BC847 we´ll need - BC847A, B or C ? I have one C-type here.
4) Do you have a shematic and Bom for your own ADF-Board ?
5) Do you bought the LED at KAMAMI.pl ?
6) For example, is this Coil correct: Mouser 710-744762212A for 120nH ?

Thank you!

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 12. August 2020, 15:53:45

Many Thanks!

But i see that the Coils you have linked to are size 0302 or 0805 or 0605 and not 1008 as it is written in the BOM ?

Thank you for the Shematics of ADF-Board, i will apply the components to my own BOM.

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 12. August 2020, 17:11:32

Thank you!

I´ve some more questions - in the BOM i´ve found 510R, 2 pcs. 220 (Shematic 3 pcs), 51R vs. 50R - which is the correct one - the PCB or the BOM ?
I´ll now order some parts by E-Mail at your side.

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 22. August 2020, 15:30:54


this week i have received the Parts/PCB/case and today the LNB with Poty - many thanks for the quick transfer! I´ve already started to solder the parts.

Addititional to my questions in the thread before i have one missing value on the additional PCB for VCTCXO.
See the picture for detail.

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 24. August 2020, 14:14:52


two more questions. Sorry for that, but the project makes big steps at the moment :-)

1) I have decided to use the Mouser VCOCXO (815-AOC2112VAJC-25C), i hope this is better than the TCXO from Aliexpress and the right decision. Do you agree ?

2) The AG303-86 is not longer available at Mouser, so it could be a problem in future... I have contacted mouser already.

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 01. September 2020, 17:47:09

Hi Artur,
Hi community,

the AG303-86 is not longer available. The new one is the AG303-63 with new footprint and size.

The Building of the TRV2 with PCB 1.6 is nearly finished, except some Coils with special Values and the AG303 - my special thanks goes to Michael_K who has send me one.

Now i make the BOM for the additional ADF-Board. Please check the attached BOM and tell me the mistakes.

And, can you please attach a Placement plan of the parts ? The assembly imprint is not readable (SMD size 0603...).

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 02. September 2020, 16:58:25

new BOM.

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 07. November 2020, 13:52:47

Quote from: SP3OSJ on 20. June 2020, 20:22:02
Connect a 10K resistor with + 5V to the point on the photo. The LED should light up.

I have the same problem as Michael_K. I have the BAT54S installed, the imprint is "KL 4"
The TX/RX-Switching is not working. With the resistor described as in the Photo the Red LED light up.
Where can i search the issue ?

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 07. November 2020, 14:06:28

My PCB´s, checked by Xray...

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 07. November 2020, 14:06:43

And the second one...

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 13. December 2020, 15:45:19

Additional to the problem with the malfunction of tx/rx-switching, that we try to clear by E-mail, i have one more question about the ADF-Board:
On the PCB and in the circuit-diagram the LED is connected by a 2K-resistor to PIN 30 of the ADF4350.

In the Datasheet, the PIN 30 ist MUXOUT and i think the LED should be connected to PIN 25 - LD (Lock detect). Right ?

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 28. April 2021, 18:32:46

Hi Artur,

i just wan´t to give you a positive feedback:
My transverter is running fine and i had already my first QSO over QO-100.

Now, i have some questions:
1) Some Ham-Radio frieds of me are also interested in this TRV, but aren´t able to solder SMD and like this. Can we order ready installed Modules by you ?
2) Do you have further developed the transverter and which is the actual PCB-Revision ?
Because: when 1) is not possible, i think about to order some PCB and Cases and so on by you an give them to a company to soldering it.

Kind regards,


Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL5LF on 04. May 2021, 18:52:39


I still have a set v1.2. You recommend to use it or are there too many modifications?


Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: dc2pd on 24. May 2021, 21:42:00

Hi Artur,

I'm thinking of building your transverter to add to my Eagle.
I have looked at the schematic and some questions :

- Your PTT is controlled by the incomming signal, which is passed thru an attenuator.
But in the first time - before the relais switched - the input signal from the transceiver is
feeded to the LC and the 50 R at the mixer. The relais is specified with 3ms switching time...
Have you measured the switching time of your circuit?

- You have added a DC bias to the POTY output. I think it is to activate your 20W amplifier.
Most users will not need it.

- There are no remarks on the used caps in the BOM. Most of the caps in the signal path have to be ATC types.

- Do you reach the drive level of the mixer? It is a level13 mixer.


Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL2GMI - Michael (H44MI) on 08. September 2021, 17:21:33

Do you think about a next version of the Transverter ? Maybe with a little bit more output (for example 3-4W) ?
With the Helix and the 2-2,5W the signal ist one of the weekest signals at the QO100-Transponder...

Title: Re:New TRV using ready module
Post by: DL5LF on 23. October 2021, 14:18:16

I want to tune 2m from 144.5 to 145.0.

2255.5 MHz
595 MHz

Did anybody apply appropriate changes to the 2m section in the code?

...before I dig into the data sheet ....

I answer myself :-)
There is a SW for the Eval-Board... the register values are computed from output frequency.
Here are the values:

//PLL configuration
#define FREQ1 2255500      // kHz - F1 (used by default)
#define FREQ2 595000      // kHz - F2 (configure S1 = ON and S2 = OFF)
#define FREQ3 1960500      // kHz - F3 (configure S1 = OFF and S2 = ON)
#define FREQ4 300000      // kHz - F4 (configure S1 = ON and 22S2 = ON)

#define ADF4351_INT_F1 90
#define ADF4351_FRAC_F1 11
#define ADF4351_MODULUS_F1 50

#define ADF4351_INT_F2 95
#define ADF4351_FRAC_F2 1
#define ADF4351_MODULUS_F2 5

Tnx, Frank

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