Title: Suche: STM32F437VIT oder STM32F237VIT
Post by: DL7UXA on 22. April 2022, 15:55:45
suche dringend für meinen mcHF eine STM32F437VIT oder STM32F237VIT.
Eine STM32F405VGT hätte ich da, aber ich würde gern mir nicht die Zukunft verbauen und wechseln möchte ich sie in 1 - 2 Jahren auch nicht (wegen der 100 Beinchen und so). Im Moment sind die Dinger ja kaum beschaffbar. Wäre toll, wenn jemand noch eine irgendwo in der Schublade finden würde.
73 es 72 de Jan (DL7UXA) |
Title: Re:Suche: STM32F437VIT oder STM32F237VIT
Post by: DF8OE on 24. April 2022, 09:54:27
Das sieht aktuell nicht gut aus - wie bei sehr vielen Halbleitern. Das bremst viele Homebrew-Projekte mal so richtig heftig aus :'(
vy 73 Andreas |
Title: Re:Suche: STM32F437VIT oder STM32F237VIT
Post by: DL7UXA on 25. April 2022, 11:59:43
Hallo Andreas,
so ist es. Leider. Auch andere Sachen sind schlecht zu bekommen, Wir helfen uns zwar gegenseitig aus, aber solche MCs hat eben der Normal-Funk-Amatuer nicht rumliegen.
Wie sieht es mit dem F405VGT aus? So einen habe ich hier notfalls. Bin aber nicht sonderlich motiviert, das dann in einem Jahr, wenn ich dann einen ergattert habe, zu tauschen.
73 de Jan |
Title: Re:Suche: STM32F437VIT oder STM32F237VIT
Post by: DF8OE on 25. April 2022, 13:15:41
Der 405 ist aktuell noch ausreichend. Es besteht allerdings die Möglichkeit dass irgendwann mal so viele Features in die Firmware eingezogen sind dass er nicht mehr reicht - da hast Du Recht.
vy 73 Andreas |
Title: Re:Suche: STM32F437VIT oder STM32F237VIT
Post by: DF8OE on 26. April 2022, 05:14:29
Hi Artur,
nice to read you again :D! The MCU of the link would be a perfect solution!
vy 73 Andreas |
Title: Re:Suche: STM32F437VIT oder STM32F237VIT
Post by: DF8OE on 26. April 2022, 12:52:21
Hi Artur,
that is something I am missing too: international cooperation. mcHF started as a "two-persons-show". no possibility to work together because of a missing development/versioning-system. This is now solved: we use git (and GitHub). But sadly there are many programmers who canot (I dont know why) use such systems - they are stepping back to "a-few-persons-show". This is disappointing.
EDIT: I correct myself. There IS a GitHub for the project. If it is maintained well there can start a community work.
vy 73 Andreas |
Title: Re:Suche: STM32F437VIT oder STM32F237VIT
Post by: dg0nf on 26. April 2022, 14:12:20
Finally are the changed sources on GitHub too: https://github.com/strijar/UHSDR (https://github.com/strijar/UHSDR)
In my opinion, they don't contribute to the original Git, because they don't like to discuss the sense/nonsense/legality of their changes (versions for the chinese clones, out of band TX) and they like to have a fast release of their changed version to the public.
Title: Re:Suche: STM32F437VIT oder STM32F237VIT
Post by: DF8OE on 26. April 2022, 14:41:22
I fully agree. But it is possible to review the changes and merge the ones which make sense and agree to the projects philosophy. Cooperation not only menas contributing code - it also means discuss where to go before starting anything. I have watched the video and already found changes that do not make much sense (except they are different/new) or can lead to confusion. It is very simple to import the external branch to my local repository and review / import any change to the main branch.
vy 73 Andreas |
Title: Re:Suche: STM32F437VIT oder STM32F237VIT
Post by: DL7UXA on 27. April 2022, 15:58:40
Will this STM chip be good (for mcHF)? https://www.ebay.com/itm/124018564926 (https://www.ebay.com/itm/124018564926)
Hello Artur,
if you have bought this chip from this seller and have made good experience with it (is really running), please let me hear it. I'm a little bit afraid that I will sell for a dummy or not running chip as I have made by Chinese sellers before.
73 de Jan |
Title: Re:Suche: STM32F437VIT oder STM32F237VIT
Post by: DF8OE on 28. April 2022, 04:39:15
This would be a purpose for testing. We do not need "special integrated I/O-blocks" (e.g. network). Only standard busses like USB, I2C and SAI. I cannot beleive that standard is not in the clone. But it would have to be verified.
vy 73 Andreas |
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