Diskussions- und Newsboard des DARC-Ortsverbandes I40
allgemeine Kategorie => OVI40 SDR Projekt (English AND German discussions around OVI40 SDR project) => Message started by: IK5WWP on 10. February 2018, 15:43:38

Title: CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 10. February 2018, 15:43:38

Strange chaotic behaviour testing my ui-board...
Jumper on P6
+5V on pin 28
Mini USB connected to the pc (tested with two different)

No white LCD, but sometime is flickering and sometime it's dark
Sometimes green led flickering or sometimes the red
Pc says "device not recognized"
Current absorbed is obout 500 mA and the mcu is a little hot...

What can it be? ???

Thank you in advance, Lorenzo IK5WWP

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Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 10. February 2018, 16:12:33

Thank you Thomas.
Checked the cpu: the direction is right, no shorts between pins and no unsoldered pins.
Tried to remove the TXCO (I was thinking about to much hot during soldering), but no changes: still 500mA and the UI_3V_MCU is around 2V instead of 3V...

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF8OE on 10. February 2018, 16:30:58

Consumpting 500mA I think MCU is dead. This is much to high current. Maybe it is wrong orientated but it does not matter. If there is not a short between VCC and GND pins I would no longer trust a MCU which was gettings warm and has consumpted 500mA...

vy 73

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 10. February 2018, 16:36:36

Double checked the cpu and the other components under the UI_3V_MCU: all right placed...

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF6US on 10. February 2018, 16:43:34

I had a similar problem, MCU-regulator is hot and on MCU-side
2 V. In my way i have the wrong direction of the eeprom.
Look at


Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF5LI on 10. February 2018, 16:53:21

I also have had an ui-board with no signs of life in the mcu. But it was nice warm!
The solution was no clock-signal, because the U5 oscillator was soldered in the wrong orientation. After turning the Clock oscillator-chip around, everything was running fine. I think, without a clock signal the mcu is only drawing current...
Check the 16 MHz at Pin 3 of U5 !

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 10. February 2018, 17:02:01

Thank you all.
Checked and re-checked also the eprom.
Removed too, but the corrent absorption is still the same.
I really start to think that the cpu is burnt as Andreas said above...

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: Paul C. H. on 10. February 2018, 17:56:48

My approach was to solder minimal component to test to CPU by DFU connection
not anything else.

regulators and these 2R2 resistors, etc
16MHz TCXO, 32768k
only a few capacitors, for each DC rail 5V, 3V3_CPU, 3V3_analog
reset circuit
temporary wire to 'borrow' 5V from mini-USB when tested without RF board.
temporary wire to 'borrow' 3V3 from 3V3_CPU to 3V3_analog

tested DFU ok

solder additional components and re-test DFU after soldered every 10 items (approximately)
'roll-back' if I found DFU doesn't work / or incorrect current consumption.

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 10. February 2018, 18:16:58

Quote from: Paul C. H. on 10. February 2018, 17:56:48
My approach was to solder minimal component to test to CPU by DFU connection
not anything else.

regulators and these 2R2 resistors, etc
16MHz TCXO, 32768k
only a few capacitors, for each DC rail 5V, 3V3_CPU, 3V3_analog
reset circuit
temporary wire to 'borrow' 5V from mini-USB when tested without RF board.
temporary wire to 'borrow' 3V3 from 3V3_CPU to 3V3_analog

tested DFU ok

solder additional components and re-test DFU after soldered every 10 items (approximately)
'roll-back' if I found DFU doesn't work / or incorrect current consumption.

I totally agree with you! I will surely follow this approach the nex time!

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 10. February 2018, 21:34:48

I have found that also the the 3V regulator was burnt.
So, in the next days I will replace it.
Also the MCU will be replaced, because I am not shure if it is still good.
Before put on place the new MCU I will check again the 3V line to avoid any other component eventually damaged.

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 15. February 2018, 11:33:31

Today update.
Replaced 3V regulator and now I have a stable 3V and a stable white screen.
Not yet installed the new MCU because a I'm waiting it for tomorrow.
More news asap.

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF8OE on 15. February 2018, 11:42:09

Stable 3V???? Before desoldering your MCU have a try if is still alive....

vy 73

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 15. February 2018, 11:57:07

Quote from: DF8OE on 15. February 2018, 11:42:09
Stable 3V???? Before desoldering your MCU have a try if is still alive....

vy 73

Already desoldered because (as you rightly said) I don't trust the old warmed up MCU.

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 16. February 2018, 16:04:21

Replaced the MCU.
Nothing to do: for a little while low absorption then after a few second the currente rise up to 500mA and there ia short circuit between UI_3V_MCU and GND.
Removed components under UI_3V_MCU like IC1, IC12, IC5, IC7 and the short is still present.
Removed MCU the short is gone.
Resoldered the MCU, no short for a few seconds then again 500mA of absorption.
I'm not luky with MCU?
I'm sure there are non solder joint between pins of the MCU and I don't want to desolder the MCU for the third time. The risk is that same pads go away and so, after, the entire board will be a piece of junk...

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF8OE on 19. February 2018, 08:27:33

Additional information:

if LCD is plugged ui board can draw 460mA and STM is *not dead* - but possibly option bytes are scrambled and STM cannot be reached via dfu.

The only possibility to check if STM is still alive is to use STLINK. Do you have it?

vy 73

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: peter_77 on 19. February 2018, 08:50:04

Here are some infos regarding ST-Link:
https://www.amateurfunk-sulingen.de/forum/index.php?board=15;action=display;threadid=577;start=315 (https://www.amateurfunk-sulingen.de/forum/index.php?board=15;action=display;threadid=577;start=315)
Translator is your friend here. Its pretty easy and straightforward.
I can also encourage you to buy such a cheap link plug which you'll find on Amazon or eBay:
https://www.ebay.de/itm/ST-Link-V2-STM8-STM32-USB-Programmer-3-3V-5V-SWD-212-/221884211496?hash=item33a9546128:g:WeEAAOSwyvBV9Tar (https://www.ebay.de/itm/ST-Link-V2-STM8-STM32-USB-Programmer-3-3V-5V-SWD-212-/221884211496?hash=item33a9546128:g:WeEAAOSwyvBV9Tar)
Very often the MCU is still alive but did not boot due to crashed register settings.

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 23. February 2018, 15:55:31

Update of 23/02/2018
Soldered a new MCU and tested the resistance between UI_3v_MCU and ground: about 1.3 Kohm (Ok, Before was only about 10 ohm)
Note: any active and passive components between UI_3v_MCU and ground was previously removed: only the MCU.
Now step by step I will re-put in place the components removed and every step I'll check the resistance.
Just a few steps a day: I don't want to make another roast-MCU!

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF8OE on 24. February 2018, 07:49:01

The first thing I would test is if any short-circuits are between MCU pins which are side by side. You can take such very precise "peaks" like they are used at dentists. Connect them to a DVM in "short circuit test mode" and test all pins for shorts to their neigbours.

vy 73

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 24. February 2018, 13:35:28

Quote from: DF8OE on 24. February 2018, 07:49:01
The first thing I would test is if any short-circuits are between MCU pins which are side by side. You can take such very precise "peaks" like they are used at dentists. Connect them to a DVM in "short circuit test mode" and test all pins for shorts to their neigbours.

vy 73

Thank you for this suggestion: before giving current I'll surely do also this test!
73, Lorenzo

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF8OE on 24. February 2018, 13:54:10

I have got many mcHFs in the past for repair. If MCU was killed, the main reason was short circuits directly at the pins of MCU. Second reason was wrong wiring to 30p header to rf PCB (> 3V on a pin that goes directly to GPIO).

Good luck - this time it will work!

vy 73

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 28. February 2018, 17:58:07

"Dentist test" done and passed ok.
Now ahead step by step.
A little step a time.

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 03. March 2018, 10:53:46

Finally I have a working MCU.
It is recognized by the pc and I can upload bootloader and firmware, but...
Removed jumper on P6, removed the cable on DFU port, given +5V, I can only see a white screen.
After a few seconds the screen light became not stable, but if I press and keep depressed the power on/off button the white screen become stable, so I believe it is a software problem and not an hardware problem.
It's time to buy an ST-LINK?

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF8OE on 03. March 2018, 10:59:01

I don't think it is a firmware problem - I think it is a hardware problem.

Do you have built LCD PCB by yourself or do you get a populated PCB?

Buying a ST-Link is nearly mandatory if you want to participate the latest bleeding edge tries on OVI40. It is cheap and **very useful** ::)

vy 73

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 03. March 2018, 11:13:05

Hi Andreas!
Thank you for your prompt answer.
You sent me a populated LCD after the first expedition went to Portugal, do you remember?
Have I to check something in particular on the LCD board?

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: peter_77 on 03. March 2018, 11:33:29

Or buy a simple, standard "of the shelf" 3,2" TFT LCD.
https://www.hotmcu.com/32-touch-screen-tft-lcd-module-ili9325-p-127.html?cPath=6_16&zenid=9t7el5fmveqp7onhsvb9bb2rv7 (https://www.hotmcu.com/32-touch-screen-tft-lcd-module-ili9325-p-127.html?cPath=6_16&zenid=9t7el5fmveqp7onhsvb9bb2rv7)
https://www.waveshare.com/3.2inch-320x240-Touch-LCD-C.htm (https://www.waveshare.com/3.2inch-320x240-Touch-LCD-C.htm)
No need for any soldering just plug and play and ideal for testing the UI board to make sure basic functionality.

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 03. March 2018, 15:00:07

Disassembled LCD, checked all solder joint, cleaned accurately all the fluxant.
Now the white screen is stable, the current absorption is about 70mA constant, but only white screen.
No particular hot spot: checked with a thermal camera: max temperature about 25° C on the MCU and on the 3.3V regulator

What can I do now?

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF5LI on 03. March 2018, 15:32:08

Ich hatte bei 2 neugebauten ui-Boards (V.04 und V.06) ein ähnliches Problem. Nach dem Flashen mit JP6 und dfuSe schien nach der Anzeige von dfuSe alles ok zu sein, aber nach dem Einschalten der Boards war der Bildschirm auch nur weiß. Abhilfe brachte ein 2. Flashen des Bootloaders, danach lief alles prima!
Starte mal einen 2. Versuch !

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 03. March 2018, 15:50:56

Attempted to upload bootloader and firmware almost 10 times: DfuSe ok, but the display is still white.

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF8OE on 03. March 2018, 16:54:52

OK - I was outside the house so you was "too fast" ::) The display you got was TESTED and WORKING FINE. I do not know what is the state after disassembling - hopefully the same...

White screen but LEDs are acting normal at firmware start is due to bas connections between MCU and LCD header.

vy 73

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: peter_77 on 03. March 2018, 17:53:54

Attempted to upload bootloader and firmware almost 10 times: DfuSe ok, but the display is still white.

I had the same effect like DF5LI once.
For me the solution was the same. After loading both .dfu files (bootloader and firmware) with dFuse i flashed again only the bootloader a second time.
After that the board came up without any error.

If you have done all this, the only solution is to check all LCD connections from MCU to the LCD sockets with an ohm meter as Andreas wrote.
In case all that does not help you then need to check the LCD on a running board where an LCD runs fine.
Or...send it back to Andreas for a check ;)

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 03. March 2018, 21:06:07

Quote from: DF8OE on 03. March 2018, 16:54:52
OK - I was outside the house so you was "too fast" ::) The display you got was TESTED and WORKING FINE. I do not know what is the state after disassembling - hopefully the same...

White screen but LEDs are acting normal at firmware start is due to bas connections between MCU and LCD header.

vy 73

White screen and ABNORMAL acting of the leds: when connected with the pc, red and green leds are on during upload. Then I remove the jumper on p6, I remove the usb cable, I give +5V on pin 28 and no one led is on...
P.s: connections between LCD and MCU all checked ok
P.p.s: Now I'll go out to smoke a Toscano cigar, otherways I'll keep a big hammer to resolve the problems of the board definitely >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF5LI on 04. March 2018, 03:17:16

Hmm, smoking a cigar will help you to calm down... But what the hell may be the problem?
A dumb question: it's an I40-ui-board? Do you use the right BL and FW? The fw-40SDR.dfu and the bl-40SDR.dfu ? It's my last hope, but before you use the hammer...

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF8OE on 04. March 2018, 08:49:36

If no LED is coming up at startup with loaded bootloader and firmware I am nearly sure firmware is NOT loaded correctly (or you leave P6 set when testing).

Easiest wy to apply bootloader and firmware for the first time (!!!!):
1) Set P6 and flash bl-ovi40.dfu, after this (without touching anything else) load fw-ovi40.dfu to defuse-tool and flash it
2) remove power supply
3) remove P6
4) apply power supply and everything works

vy 73

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DG2NPE on 04. March 2018, 11:53:27

Hi all,

My problem was similar. I solved it taking an other computer (and an other usb stick). Downloaded bootloader + and firmware new, started dfu-tool, flashed bl--ovi40.dfu and than fw-ovi40.dfu.

Now it works! Problem, maybe, was the download with the wrong computer?

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 04. March 2018, 12:24:49

Quote from: DF8OE on 04. March 2018, 08:49:36
If no LED is coming up at startup with loaded bootloader and firmware I am nearly sure firmware is NOT loaded correctly (or you leave P6 set when testing).

Easiest wy to apply bootloader and firmware for the first time (!!!!):
1) Set P6 and flash bl-ovi40.dfu, after this (without touching anything else) load fw-ovi40.dfu to defuse-tool and flash it
2) remove power supply
3) remove P6
4) apply power supply and everything works

vy 73

Dowloaded again bootloader and firmware, followed step by step the above list of action (the same as yesterday) and no led come on at power up, only the white screen on lcd. Tested even with lcd removed: no led come on.
As DF5LI said: "what the hell may be the problem?"

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 04. March 2018, 12:27:30

Quote from: dg2npe on 04. March 2018, 11:53:27
Hi all,

My problem was similar. I solved it taking an other computer (and an other usb stick). Downloaded bootloader + and firmware new, started dfu-tool, flashed bl--ovi40.dfu and than fw-ovi40.dfu.

Now it works! Problem, maybe, was the download with the wrong computer?

The computer I use is working well with a MCHF, but I'll try with anoter pc for sure.
Thank you for your suggestion and thank to all who try to help me!
Lorenzo IK5WWP

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DG2NPE on 04. March 2018, 13:33:29

This problem ocurred only with ovi40 Firmware - not with a Mchf!

73 Peter, DG2NPE

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 04. March 2018, 14:56:16

Repeated the entire procedure with another pc, but the reselt is the same.
The pc and the the windows device manager see immediately the STM device in DFU Mode connected on the USB controller.
The software upload the bootloader and the firmware succesfully, but, after removed jumper on P6 and usb cable and given power supply, nothing happen: the screen is white and all leds are off.

Then removed and regiven power and again the white screen...
Sorry for the uppercase...

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF8OE on 04. March 2018, 15:25:21

Hi Lorenzo,

seeing the message means the MCU is not dead and not completely wrong soldered.#

Please be calm. Do nothing unexpected ::)

Do you have supplied a 3V battery for RTC?

Please take a look at the Vcc voltage using a scope.

Is it stable?

I am very sorry that I cannot take a look "over the distance". I am nearly sure you are just one step away from success - but in what direction ??

vy 73

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 04. March 2018, 15:41:27

It's alive!!

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 04. March 2018, 15:43:31

Not very reliable, but alive. I believe same soldering of MCU pins not good. I'll take a better look after...

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: Co on 04. March 2018, 15:46:36

I have (had?) a similar problem on my older V1.7 board. Sometimes white screen or flimmering of the backlight. I have not fully located the problem. However slightly re-adjusting the LCD in the header solves the problem until it reappears then again readjusting the LCD will solve it. In my case when it appears I can still dim the backlight.
So when it happens, power down, readjust LCD carefully, power up , keep fingers crossed.
It is typically a bad contact most probably in the header or a contact under the header. I am still investigating but so far unsuccessful.




Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 04. March 2018, 15:56:40

For example the message about the missing audiocodec is now disappeared.
In any case a big THANK YOU to all!!
73 de IK5WWP Lorenzo.

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF5LI on 04. March 2018, 18:57:23

Congrats! That took some doing, or in german -> das war eine schwere Geburt !

Now you only have to resolder the 144 pins of the mcu... It's a snap ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF8OE on 05. March 2018, 00:32:33

Lorenzo, I am happy to see the photos and read your success.

Sometimes it is not as easy as you hope - but never stick up. If you go on, you MIGHT loose. But if you stick up, you HAVE LOST.

I hope this was the biggest rock which was lying in your path to success.

Very good that you have struggled and now you are seeing LIFE on your OVI40 UI!

vy 73

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: peter_77 on 05. March 2018, 11:03:11

Un parto difficile, ma alla fine ce l'abbiamo fatta! Ma vedi come un bon toscanello puo fare solvere la maggioranza dei problemi ;D (ma provoca probabilmente oltre..?!) Mancha solo un bon bicchiere di chianti anchora.
Bon lavoro Lorenzo ! E adesso il parte RF...! ;)

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 06. March 2018, 14:33:05

New day, old problem!
Again that stupid white screen and no leds on.
I can easily connect and program the MCU with DFUse and with ST-Link, but at restart nothing happen...

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: DF8OE on 06. March 2018, 16:22:52

If MCU is recongnized by dfu protocol (when jumper is set) this is a hardware problem - mostly bad solderings around MCU.

If MCU is *NOT* recognized by dfu protocol often option bytes in MCU are scrambled. You can reset them to the correct values via STLink.

vy 73

Title: Re:CPU hot and no connection to PC
Post by: IK5WWP on 06. March 2018, 17:10:37

Yes, MCU is recognized in DFU mode with the jumper on and yes, this is an hardware problem...
And this is not a good news.
I have to investigate, investigate, investigate...

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