Title: Parts for LCD board
Post by: S58J on 10. September 2018, 17:38:45
I have a LCD PCB and most parts for it but I am struggling with the following three:
1. LCD 3.5" itself: where I can find ILI9486? I've seen some on Ebay but mostly related to Raspberry and boards already attached to them. So I need a reliable source, exactly which LCD to order, even better if there is a part number.
2. What connecting cables and PIN headers do I need?
3. Where to find APE1117-HF-3 voltage regulator? Here in the US I tried with Mouser, Newark, Arrow, DigiKey… no one has it!
Looking forward to your suggestions.
Janez, W4/S58J |
Title: Re:Parts for LCD board
Post by: SP9BSL on 10. September 2018, 18:05:39
Hi Janez, the lcd module: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/NoEnName-Null-With-touch-3-5-inch-TFT-ILI9486-3-4-wire-SPI-compatible-8bit-16bit/32802519751.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.42734c4dwGy8ok the FFC connector: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/10-Pcs-Per-Lot-FPC-FFC-0-5mm-Pitch-40-Pin-Drawer-Type-Ribbon-Flat-Connector/32244392311.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.42734c4dwGy8ok the XPT2046: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-10pcs-lot-XPT2046-TSSOP-16-touch-screen-control-IC-2046-new-original/32699767353.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.42734c4dwGy8ok 1117 is the cheapest and most popular LDO on the world simply search 1117 3.3V, for example here: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/50-pcs-x-AMS1117-3-3V-1A-Voltage-Regulator-AMS1117-3-3-LDO-SOT-223-AMS1117/32309885333.html?spm=2114.search0104.8.5.26cd3ef9EsNJFo&priceBeautifyAB=0
Title: Re:Parts for LCD board
Post by: S58J on 11. September 2018, 00:52:16
Hi Slawek
Thank you, big time! You have really simplified my search. I have already made an order.
Best regards
Janez, W4/S58J |
Title: Re:Parts for LCD board
Post by: SP9BSL on 11. September 2018, 09:23:26
no problem, all links from my previous post are copy and paste from my orders tab in Aliexpress. All have been ordered and tested. |
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