Diskussions- und Newsboard des DARC-Ortsverbandes I40
allgemeine Kategorie => UHSDR Firmware => Message started by: DF8OE on 09. February 2018, 18:05:04

Title: Release of stable firmware 2.8.0 / bootloader 4.0.0
Post by: DF8OE on 09. February 2018, 18:05:04


  • Reduced startup delay for CW RX --> TX switching, especially relevant for use with external keys/keyers.
  • Fixed some out-of-bounds errors which may help to run the firmware more reliable
  • Bootloader fixes unreliable switching off on some machines.

  • Features:

    • High precision touchscreen press detection. Please calibrate your touchscreen (simply press on the touchscreen during startup).
    • Dual waterfall / scope display with adjustable percentages Scope can visualize filter width (color adjustments in Display Configuration menu)
    • Added support for ILI9486 based LCDs @480x320 (with parallel and the RPi-style SPI connection supported, see below)
    • Changed, much more effective noise reduction algorithm now based on spectral noise reduction concepts.
    • PSK31 / BPSK TX and RX using USB keyboard
    • CW memories (not stored in EEPROM !)
    • New font for frequency digits (only for devices with more than 512kb Flash, can be configured in Display Configuration menu)

    • How to get a new highres display:

      You can get 3.5" 480x320 LCD kits which have same headers as HY28B or new 3.2" LCD used at mcHF 0.7 from DF8OE. Running on 480x320 gives waterfall and scope using full display width and all other elements are placed in a much smoother way. LCD screen looks much better on higher resolution. Please note, you have to run the display in parallel mode.

      For those with mcHF & RTC (which demands use of SPI display connection:
      In theory you can upgrade to use the RPi SPI ILI9486 displays available on eBay but due to the larger size and generally slower fill rate, the display is noticable slower as the parallel on the same UI board (and there is not much we can do here).

      An important note for owners of 512kb flash size mcHF UI boards:

      Due to the growing functionality of the firmware we ran out of flash capability of STM32F4 with 512KB flash memory recently. Firmware on the 512k machines can have maximum size of 512KB - 32KB ootloader - 32KB virtual EEPROM = 448KB. Chris, M0NKA has switched some time ago to 1MB STM32F4 - so there is no problem for those of you. But there is an amount of mcHF and clones with smaller flash out in the wild. The best solution would be to swap MCU to a version with more flash.

      If you swap the MCU it is a good idea to spend some extra cents and use STM32F427/429/439 which have 2MB of flash and 256KB RAM instead of 192KB. But all those who do have 192KB RAM / 1MB flash can remain calm, too.

      As already announced a few days ago, we provide two builds of the mcHF firmware now: the "full build" and a functionality-reduced one for 512KB MCUs. Right now only FreeDV is missing - but sooner or later we will scrap at the borders of small MCU again, then we'll have to cut off something additionally.

      For getting more information please read the "operating manual" https://github.com/df8oe/UHSDR/wiki/Operating-Manual and
      "Operating Manual Menu" https://github.com/df8oe/UHSDR/wiki/Operating-Manual---Menu in GitHub WIKI section.

      You can find recent binaries and archieved ones at the startup page https://df8oe.github.io/UHSDR/

      The UHSDR development team

Title: Re:Release of stable firmware 2.8.0 / bootloader 4.0.0
Post by: DF5LI on 10. February 2018, 18:46:24

Bei der Auswahl einer geeigneten MCU kommt es nicht nur auf die Nummer des Prozessors an,
sondern auch auf die Buchstaben, die folgen.
Ich habe mal eine Tabelle mit den im mcHF verwendbaren STM32F4xx MCUs zusammengestellt.
Alle haben ein V im Suffix, d.h. sie haben das LQFP100-Gehäuse. Der folgende Buchstabe G
bedeutet einen Flash-Speicher von 1 MB, ein I bedeutet 2 MB :

Typ    Taktfrequenz Flash RAM Besonderheiten
      (MHz)    (kB)   (kB)   

STM32F407VE   168   512   192   Das ist der Urtyp und sollte ausgetauscht werden
STM32F407VG   168   1024   192   Der wurde später benutzt und lässt sich verwenden
STM32F427VG   180   1024   256   more performance, lower static power consumption
STM32F427VI   180   2048   256   dito
STM32F429VG   180   1024   256   Mit TFT-Controller, wird nicht im mcHF benutzt,
STM32F429VI   180   2048   256   stört aber auch nicht
STM32F437VG   180   1024   256   more performance, lower static power consumption
STM32F437VI   180   2048   256   dito
STM32F439VG   180   1024   256   Mit TFT-Controller, wird nicht im mcHF benutzt,
STM32F439VI   180   2024   256   stört aber auch nicht

Ich würde also eine MCU F427VI oder F437VI nehmen. Aber die 429er und
die 439er gehen auch, Hauptsache, es sind VI-Typen.                     

Title: Re:Release of stable firmware 2.8.0 / bootloader 4.0.0
Post by: Michael_K on 11. February 2018, 11:16:23

Nach kurzer Pause bin ich auch wieder da;
Thomas' Meldung kann ich auch bestätigen; läuft alles ufb;
sehr gut jetzt der "full Screen"
vy 73 aus Erfurt

Title: Re:Release of stable firmware 2.8.0 / bootloader 4.0.0
Post by: Co on 11. February 2018, 15:34:57

Have loaded the .bin versions of bootloader 4.0.0 and fw 2.9.0 with ST-LINK on OVI40 UI 3,5" LCD, but the splash screen displays in small format :(
Is there a difference in the dfu and bin versions?



Title: Re:Release of stable firmware 2.8.0 / bootloader 4.0.0
Post by: DF8OE on 11. February 2018, 15:41:17

No, they are identical except the dfu informations which are added (start of bin etc.)

vy 73

Title: Re:Release of stable firmware 2.8.0 / bootloader 4.0.0
Post by: Co on 11. February 2018, 15:51:29

Hi Andreas,

Have loaded latest bl and fw on both the betatest V1.07 and the V1.08 boards with same result. Can't explain. ???


Title: Re:Release of stable firmware 2.8.0 / bootloader 4.0.0
Post by: Co on 11. February 2018, 18:45:43

Thomas, I downloaded the BL and FW this afternoon from github resp. 4.0.0 and 2.9.0. I never downloaded something from the archive. The only possibility is I mixed up some versions locally, however the download times as registered during download/file creation do not confirm this. I will download again tomorrow and load again tomorrow making sure no mix up is made.

kind regards


Title: Re:Release of stable firmware 2.8.0 / bootloader 4.0.0
Post by: Co on 11. February 2018, 19:01:29

Thomas, I cleaned up the lot. I downloaded the bl again and reloaded the bl using st-link just now. And it displays the small splash screen with fw 2.9.0 ???

I have to go now.

question : is it safe to erase the chip's flash memory with ST-LINK

kind regards


Title: Re:Release of stable firmware 2.8.0 / bootloader 4.0.0
Post by: Co on 12. February 2018, 14:17:17

I have downloaded the FW and BL from github today. I erased memory of the F7. Thereafter I used ST-Link to load BL and FW successively. At startup the SMALL sized splash screen is displayed. Thereafter 2.9.0 starts normally.
The matter is cosmetic but nevertheless it doesn't do what it should : display the splash full size. I wonder why.



Title: Re:Release of stable firmware 2.8.0 / bootloader 4.0.0
Post by: Co on 12. February 2018, 15:21:50

Thomas .

Tnx for your response. Your picture shows the fw update via usb stick. I have been loading with the ST-Link. I therefore do not get the info as shown in your picture when updating the FW. But that should not make any difference in the behavior when starting up the OVI40 with power up. I understood from your earlier message that the splash screen shown with power up is displayed full screen.


Title: Re:Release of stable firmware 2.8.0 / bootloader 4.0.0
Post by: DF8OE on 12. February 2018, 15:30:14

But exactly that what Thomas shows with the photo is "the new feature". In earlier bootloaders these messages are in a small area at the top left corner of the LCD - now it fills the screen.

In "normal startup" nothing has changed - there messages were in full screen since some weeks.

vy 73

Title: Re:Release of stable firmware 2.8.0 / bootloader 4.0.0
Post by: Co on 12. February 2018, 16:21:23

Thomas, Andreas,

One picture can tell more than a thousands words.


Title: Re:Release of stable firmware 2.8.0 / bootloader 4.0.0
Post by: Co on 12. February 2018, 16:53:08

In all my messages regarding the subject I have been referring to ST-Link used for loading. One picture cleared the whole misunderstanding. Sorry for the confusion.


Title: Re:Release of stable firmware 2.8.0 / bootloader 4.0.0
Post by: DF8OE on 12. February 2018, 17:34:57

Such misunderstandings can be present if both partners speak perfectly same language ;D!! But if none of the two sticks up after the first try all will be cleared little later. By words, pictures, videos...

vy 73

Title: Re:Release of stable firmware 2.8.0 / bootloader 4.0.0
Post by: Co on 13. February 2018, 14:50:14

Nothing wrong with your use of English. I should have come to my mind earlier that the BL does not load the splash screen. Thanks for your help.



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