Diskussions- und Newsboard des DARC-Ortsverbandes I40
allgemeine Kategorie => UHSDR Firmware => Message started by: satoryboy on 11. June 2020, 04:26:10

Title: Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m1 (all rigs)
Post by: satoryboy on 11. June 2020, 04:26:10

Hello, I am posting a new version of my firmware based on the current stable version of UHSDR - 2.11.87m1, for all existing versions of the M0NKA transceiver. So, what is implemented

(including previous versions)?

- The range adjustment options forgotten by the developers are added and the relative order in the menu is made.
- The "Tune Helper" option in the Display Menu is saved in the config, the "Show CW LED" option at the request of the comrade returned to "ON" by default.
- Peak indicator S/PWR meter - the delay is spinning (0 = OFF) in the Dysplay Menu -> Peak Ind. Timer, sec. Still needs refinement.
- Added colors in the palette. Setting the default color of on-screen indicators-buttons - Dysplay Menu -> Boxes Color.
- Two monochrome firmware, b/w and sepia. If you cut the style of the "Gray" waterfall, it’s very stylish.
- Encoder reverse capability - Configuration Menu -> Encoders 1-3 Reverse / Encoder 4 Reverse. Good help to those who assemble the transceiver.
- Operating mode with the so-called presets (receive frequency, mode, filter settings) MEM. A very useful thing in everyday life and in production )). For each range, including the Gen

wild zone, 4 presets M1 ... M4 are allocated. This mode is activated by long pressing F3 (SPLIT). Preset recording - long press Mx, using - short. Short press F3 (MEM) - call the list of

these presets, and you can work with them without closing the list. Closing the list - by short or long pressing F3, in the latter case we exit the MEM mode (whether the list is open, do

not care) to the main mode of operation of the Fx buttons.
- Added tuning steps of 5 and 50 Hz.
- The CW decoder is disabled (if turned off in the menu) in transmit mode.
- Compact U/L sideband display.
- Added missing adjustments for 6m band, as well as the missing option to adjust the power display at 28 MHz.
- On-screen menu for direct mode selection. It is called up by a short press on the indicator-button of the mode.
- The mode of working with CW macros has been improved — the 4th macro cell has been added, and the playback modes have been added - CYCLED (pause - CW Mode Settings -> CW

MacroCycledInterv, sec, default 3 sec.) And the BEACON (pause - CW Mode Settings -> CW Beacon Interval, min., By default 3 min.). Modes are switched by long pressing F5. Also added

"accelerator" macro playback 1, 2 (CW Mode Settings -> CW Fast Macro 1,2). If enabled, the first 2 macros are played at maximum speed, 48WPM, the 3rd and 4th are set. The idea is to speed

up the "599" and the long "?". However, to whom what. For DX big and warm hello)). Just in case, who is not in the know - you can interrupt playback by briefly pressing F5, or starting the

transmitting with the key.
- At the request of the comrade, added a battery of CW filters with a width of 100 and 200 Hz. Himself in shock, how cool they work )).
- Added the ability to enable the S-meter operating mode in AM not by the carrier, but by the useful signal - Dysplay Menu -> S-Meter NotLO in AM.
- Added the option to disable the "frozen" panorama in TX (Dysplay Menu -> Clear Panoram on TX), with a large pathos inscription "TX" in the most visible place)). In SSB OK, in CW for an

amateur, I myself did not like it. Up to you!
- At the request of the comrade from Spain, added a touchzone in the RIT indicator - with a short poke, the RIT is reset.
- Added action for the touch zone to reduce the panorama scale - with a long poke, the scale jumps to 1: 1.
- SWR protection, if enabled, is blocked at an installed power of 0.5 W - the detectors cannot cope.
- Test transmission mode eSSB with a band of 6 kHz. To do this, select "eSSB 6k" from the "Filter Selection" menu in the "SSB TX Audio Filter2" option.
- Fixed bugs found.

Implemented in earlier versions:
- A full-fledged screen interface with a panorama in the entire width of the display 320 × 240 (for displays 480 × 320, 800 × 480 this has already been implemented). Switching between

interfaces - long press F1 (MENU) if there were no saved configuration changes. The new interface can be specified as default - the first Display Menu option.
- BndMem marker visibility - Display Menu -> Don't show BndMem.
- Peak indicator in S/PWR meter.
- Improved virtual band selection keyboard.
- A virtual keypad for direct dialing of the tuning frequency has been added for the display 320x240 (for displays 480x420, 800x480 this has already been implemented). The keypad is hung

by a long press of the touch zone of the "senior" signs of the tuning frequency indicator. It also works in the default interface 320x240.
- Added the option "Band +/- BndCh / Jump Swap" to the Configuration Menu - if you turn it on, a short press of BAND - / + will become tied to a frequency jump across the width of the

panorama (I am quietly proud of this refinement, it’s a very useful thing with a kutsy panorama of 48 kHz ), and long - to change the band. By default, vice versa. Dramatically improves

the efficiency and convenience of working on the air. And more logical in terms of interface friendliness.
- At the request of the comrades, covered the “fence” of the panorama grid from above. In the default interface, I did not do this for marketing reasons )).
- I put the relative order in the Setup Menu - UHSDR made a complete mess in it and devastation, it infuriates.
- Unlocking transmissions on civilian CB bands, see Debug/Exper. Settings.
- Fixed bugs found.

I also post a modified version of the UHSDR loader 5.0.4m, which can save to a flash drive and load the configuration in binary format. Together with the firmware backup file, the CF-

MCHF.OLD configuration backup file is also written to the flash drive. If the loader finds such a file in the root folder of the flash drive at boot time, it will load the configuration.

Work is done only with the flash memory of the processor, accordingly, you need to do backup from the external memory in the menu and, accordingly, restore the configuration. There is no

version control, be careful. 73!

Fw - https://yadi.sk/d/IztsydWjBzhTUA

Bootloader - https://yadi.sk/d/H9ePUm9W7Nryhw

Source - https://yadi.sk/d/R7Hh_yI0ATLXJg

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m1 (all rigs)
Post by: DF8OE on 11. June 2020, 10:04:17

How will this be maintained if it is not synced with GitHub? "Back to the roots" (the time as everyone was working on his local source code and was bumped if someone else added a new feature)?

vy 73

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m1 (all rigs)
Post by: DF8OE on 11. June 2020, 11:08:52

Wir wären beim gleichen Stand den wir hatten bevor der Code auf den GitHub kam.

Selbst wenn Yuri das Ganze forkt und dann auf einem eigenen Repo weiterführt wäre das besser. Nicht alles was er gemacht hat findet meine Zustimmung - es würde also auch nicht alles in den offiziellen Zweig einfließen. Er könnte "seine" Sachen, die er partout will, wir aber nicht (ich betone: WIR. Ich werde sowas nicht im Alleingang entscheiden!!) auf seinem Repo weiterführen und wir übernehmen die Dinge die wir ebenfalls gut finden. Dann bräuchte er immer nur mit unserem GitHub zu syncen und alles wäre total einfach.

Ich erinnere mich mit Grausen an die Zeit von vor dem GitHub. Meine Verbesserungen musste ich nach jeder neuen Version von Clint als Codeschnipsel an die richtigen Stellen wieder händisch einpflegen. Das habe ich genau zweimal gemacht (in der Hoffnung dass Clint das übernimmt) - dann habe ich mir auf meinem Linux-Rechner ein lokales git-Repo davon erstellt und bei Codeänderungen von Clint das immer in mein Repo eingepflegt ;D

Um Sowas wie git kommt man bei verteilter Entwicklung definitiv nicht herum, wenn man seine Zeit und Nerven nicht im Lotto gewonnen hat.

vy 73

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m1 (all rigs)
Post by: satoryboy on 11. June 2020, 12:13:10


Please try again. I did not find errors in the posted archive.


Sorry, I'm a bad programmer. If you take useful improvements to the overall project, it is better to do this to a qualified programmer. In addition, my project for band balancing of the TX mixer was rejected even without discussion. Meanwhile, the hardware-software mode has already been repeated by several hams and the results are very good. Even with a serious dependence of the carrier suppression on the signal level, a very good carrier suppression is obtained, much more than 50 dB.

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m1 (all rigs)
Post by: DF8OE on 11. June 2020, 12:28:34

It was rejected because it does not support the "official mcHF hardware"...

We (the programmers team) want to keep the code clean and free of "dirty hacks". That is the only possibility to give future contributors the chance to understand what is going on in the code and implement new things. You can find everything about contributing here (https://github.com/df8oe/UHSDR/blob/active-devel/CONTRIBUTING.md). Opening up for each programmers style and every thinkable feature would send UHSDR to oblivion.

vy 73

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m1 (all rigs)
Post by: DF8OE on 11. June 2020, 13:18:55

The official mcHF hardware ist the one designed by Chris, M0NKA.
The official OVI40 hardware does not exist yet - only the UI components.

If the new design works for all LCD types we are currently using, if it does not impact somewhere and if it follows the Coding Style Guide (https://github.com/df8oe/UHSDR/blob/active-devel/CONTRIBUTING.md#coding-style-guide) of course we will accept a pull request.

If someone makes a pull request for TXing on 11m with full power it will be rejected.

Working without systems like git or svn it is a "one-man-show". May be it can jump a huge jump - but it is standing "alone in the dark". It is very difficult to maintain such an "isle-solution" that it stays in sync with the basic source code.

For stepping forward it is a good idea not to put multiple new features in one pull request. A "good firmware" also is "easily maintainable". There leads no way around in using the platform for the development, and that is GitHub.

vy 73

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m1 (all rigs)
Post by: DF8OE on 11. June 2020, 14:07:35

Question to Yuri (I have not tested yet and no time today):
regarding the full screen waterfall/scope: do you have adapted the direct tuning by tapping on touchscreen waterfall/scope that it tunes to the corresponding frequency?

vy 73

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m1 (all rigs)
Post by: SP9BSL on 11. June 2020, 19:53:04

Quote from: SP3OSJ on 11. June 2020, 13:00:27
It is a pity that good ideas are blocked.

Which one??? Please specify. All you needed for your business was added. Why do you complain? Just for another fight? Everytime if there is something to complain you appear, I would quote you: "it is not fair".

In general:
Yuri involved a lot of work but during commits refused comments to be compatible with main code and github rules as Andreas wrote. If there is possibility to rebase the code in his archive - good for his work, if not hmm... I see no future for this.

Just my two cents...

Yuri: can you share the knowledge about "Fixed bugs found"?

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m1 (all rigs)
Post by: DF8OE on 11. June 2020, 20:16:23

Hi Artur,

everything was already explained many times in the past.

1) Signal quality of mcHF is too bad to feed a transverter - sorry.

2) I also have developed and build transverters (not for mcHF) - and I have fed them with 10...50mW. No need for 5W input into a low level mixer. You have to add a damper for such a high input level - so why not use low level signal?

I by myself will not leave the way of supporting community work in respect of all who have contributed and I will talk to each of them before changing anything.. The one with the most experience (DB4PLE) has mainly set up contribution rules, they are very wise - and I have to adjust myself, too. If you want to work in a community you have to respect each other. It is not the shining light of a programmer - it should be the shining light of the project.

3) Most commercial transceivers do not support TXing on 11m out-of-the box (is there any which supports that?). On most it is possible - with doing hardware modifications (like closing solder bridges, add coding diodes e.g.) This is done in respect of the worldwide (!!) law that TXing with homebrew devices on 11m is not legal. 11m devices have to pass tests by the government and get a special license label that they are allowed to transmit. There is NOT A SINGLE COMMERCIAL amateur radio which has got this label and I think there never will be one. Amateur radio and citizens band are strictly seperated. We will not be the first who leave this philosopy.

vy 73

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m1 (all rigs)
Post by: satoryboy on 12. June 2020, 00:08:05


Yes. Direct transition to the frequency by pressing in the wide panorama mode works well.


Thanks for clarifying the processor. I only have a device with F4. I really hurried with mass compilation. The error file was compiled again and reloaded the archive into the cloud. Please check the full color firmware. Thank you.


For example, displaying the tune indicator in a panorama in SPLIT mode. I can’t list everything quickly, I need to look at the source change logs.

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