Diskussions- und Newsboard des DARC-Ortsverbandes I40
allgemeine Kategorie => UHSDR Firmware => Message started by: satoryboy on 24. June 2020, 13:18:02

Title: Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m2 (all rigs)
Post by: satoryboy on 24. June 2020, 13:18:02

Hi All

I post the new version of my mod firmware 2.11.87m2, based on UHSDR fw. What is done?
- Fixed a wide panorama spilling bug in the resolution of 320x240.
- eSSB TX: the test was successful, now, in addition to the 6 kHz mode, there are 4 and 5 kHz, and the equalizer is turned on.
- Some little.

Fw - https://yadi.sk/d/Bm680w5JLrFBhg

Sourse - https://yadi.sk/d/yrd_04mhhcCkvg

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m2 (all rigs)
Post by: DF8OE on 25. June 2020, 10:36:12

Vermutlich mit Windows gebaut... Meine Binaries sind so klein weil ich sie mit dem Makefile unter Linux baue. Es kommt auch auf den verwendeten gcc an. In den "kleinen F4" passen sie dann vermutlich nicht - oder?

vy 73

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m2 (all rigs)
Post by: satoryboy on 25. June 2020, 11:07:35

Good afternoon, thanks for the comment, I'll fix it. According to the firmware - I have nothing to test H7 release, I have only mcHF F4. Compilation succeeds with warnings, and that’s all. I just won’t post the releases for H7 anymore, thanks. I'm working on compiling into linux, I know that the firmware is more compact. But still in the process. Thanks again. 73!

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m2 (all rigs)
Post by: DF8OE on 25. June 2020, 11:55:34

Also gibt es zwei Versionen für den F4?

vy 73

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m2 (all rigs)
Post by: dg0nf on 25. June 2020, 13:19:36

Quote from: DF8OE on 25. June 2020, 11:55:34
Also gibt es zwei Versionen für den F4?

Es gibt sogar sechs. Je drei Große in unterschiedlichen Farbvarianten und drei Kleine, für den F4 mit 512kb Flash..
Dazu je drei für F7 und H7 und R298.
Schade, dass er sich nicht dazu überreden läßt, am offiziellen Release mitzuarbeiten.
73, Helge

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m2 (all rigs)
Post by: SP9BSL on 25. June 2020, 13:47:00

Quote from: dg0nf on 25. June 2020, 13:19:36
Schade, dass er sich nicht dazu überreden läßt, am offiziellen Release mitzuarbeiten.

but he did this before and gave up, it is a pity... Look here: https://github.com/df8oe/UHSDR/commits?author=satoryboy (https://github.com/df8oe/UHSDR/commits?author=satoryboy).

Btw, Microsoft freed all the slaves (and the black-listed) from github last days, so maybe we all should find new development platform in the future? ;)

For those who doesn't know:
https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-53050955 (https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-53050955)

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m2 (all rigs)
Post by: DF8OE on 25. June 2020, 14:03:58

Hi Slawek,

now my own rootserver is running on base of a 64bit Arch so that it takes only a few seconds to start a gitlab with full compatibility to the alreda existing work. So I do not have any fear or pressure - I can start immediately if "Microsoft strikes back" ;D

It is a pity that Yuri does not contribute. But it is his own decision. It is not possible to fulfill every "enhancement wish" and implement everything that comes up. Maybe there exist already many other enhancements (like adding a I2C RTC) - but this is not implemented, too. And many other possible "menu settings" have been discussed and are not realized because of menu gets to tricky. Releasing different versions with different skins blows up the project and the time for maintaining (which is done "for free"). Working in a team means to discuss and do compromises - you know that very well. We all must learn from each other and tolerate the rules ("testing for all platforms is mandatory"). If these rules are not acceptable it will lead to splitting which is bad for the project. But I promise the main branch will be continued - there is no finishing or shutting down planned in the next years.

vy 73

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m2 (all rigs)
Post by: satoryboy on 25. June 2020, 14:05:38

Anything is possible, I'm quite diplomatic. But I am a very poor programmer. As an option, you report what improvements you consider useful for the UHSDR, I form a commit and, with joint efforts, the code is brought into a digestible form. But first I need to bring my own project to mind, at least to the level of beta testing, there are enough people who want to test. I plan to use the H7 processor in the my next project, although F7 may be enough.

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m2 (all rigs)
Post by: DF8OE on 25. June 2020, 14:37:10

Of course we can discuss here what is interesting for implementing.

Different skin-coulour-themes should be integrated into ONE firmware and configurable via menu. They should not take too much bytes - otherwise they must be inserted in conditionally builds so that they can be switched off if firmware grows above size of small F4. Beter to leave away a skin than a functionality part. And - important: that should be tested to run on both platforms (mcHF and OVI40). The tests can be done by another person of course - we are a team. But they MUST BE DONE.

vy 73

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m2 (all rigs)
Post by: DF8OE on 25. June 2020, 15:08:50

It looks like there was a very strange and long time hidden malfunction of the notifications of new messages in a thread. It popped up at this thread. So I have made some "test" answers that I have immediately deleted - sorry for the dust. I hope it is fixed now.

vy 73

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m2 (all rigs)
Post by: satoryboy on 25. June 2020, 15:37:37

Of course, I am a volleyball player, the word team is sacred to me.

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m2 (all rigs)
Post by: DF8OE on 25. June 2020, 16:26:16

Okay - let's start. Thomas: Pse comment what you have tested, what you see interesting and want to have.

vy 73

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m2 (all rigs)
Post by: DF8OE on 25. June 2020, 16:49:56

I think that is not as easy at the moment. So take the last release as a base.

vy 73

Title: Re:Mod-fw of UHSDR 2.11.87m2 (all rigs)
Post by: satoryboy on 26. June 2020, 00:11:25

Basically, I posted the source code, this can solve the problem. I just haven’t updated the compiler and IDE Eclipse for a long time.

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