
Know-how is the only thing that is multiplied by sharing it

Hamradio amateurs and technically interested persons are sharing their aquainted knowledge since a century. Many questions and topics remain hot topics - one person's solved problem is another persons new topic to tackle. Re-inventing the wheel is only needed where knowledge sharing is restricted by patents and license rights. Too often this knowledge then becomes a traded good to be paid - not an option for amateurs.

Community - is common place for hamradio amateurs - we just used to call it differently: HAM-Spirit. Times are changing - and so do names and the way how we practice ham spirit and community. It is our aim to let Ham-Spirit flourish in the Den Gedanken des HAM-Spirit in the times of Internet - and why not call it community 8-)

Everybody can participate - just register and give it a go. Two separate registrations are required - for technical reasons - for the forum board and the wiki. No membership required, no obligations, no burdens, no fees. Simply enjoy yourself beeing your creative self, participating and helping others in the community.

Please do use you hamradio call sign as user name - if you are a licensed op. This facilitates communication. Please avoid spaces, special national characters or special characters in the user name since this may render your account unusable ;-)

All content submitted to Forum or Wiki are “Open Content”. More specifically: Forum content is subject to GPL V3, wiki is covered by GNU free documentation license V2. All content is free to use and share under these licenses, provided the licenses are respected and the source is named.

The starting point for all available wiki pages is here: English wiki start page.

Initial instructions on how to use the wiki and its multi-language features can be found here: wikihowto.

DF8OE (Andreas Richter), Jugend- und Nachwuchsreferent des DARC OV I40