
Bootloader Installation - General Comments

Three different options exist to do boot loader installation or upgrade:

The latest boot loader SW can be found here. Depending on the upgrade approach chosen (ST-link, DFuse, USB-Stick) you need to either use the

For a very first boot loader installation (e.g. just after assembling the OVI40 UI board) you need to use the “P6 jumper” method, see below. Subsequent upgrades do not require this jumper closed anymore.

Please refer to the next sections for more details

"P6 Jumper" Method for very first boot loader upgrade

Close P6 jumper in case:

After closing jumper “P6” continue with Option 1 (ST-Link) or option 2 (Defuse Tool)

After upgrade please remember to remove jumper P6 again!!




Further Reading

Option 2: DeFuse Tool upgrade




Further reading

Option 3: USB-Stick upgrade upgrade




  1. Supply +8V on JP1 pin 29 - to pwer USB stick
  2. Push and - important - hold switch “BAND -”
  3. Supply +5V on JP1 pin 28 - this starts the boot loader
  4. insert USB stick into large USB port of OVI40 UI
  5. Wait for FW upload to finish
  6. Release switch “Band -”
  7. Remove +5V, then apply again to reboot OVI40 UI.
Boot loader upgrade with USB stick (photo DL8EBD)

Check proper working of newly loaded boot loader

Remove Jumper P6 if previously closed, then boot UI.

When booting the OVI40 UI a correctly installed boot loader will show this splash screen:

Boot loader splash screen at start up

Please also check boot loader version number displayed in system menu corresponds to the version you intended to install.

UHSDR Bootloader further reading


Github Wiki: